Chapter Three

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They fell onto Clouds bed, with Tifa lying beneath him. She stared up breathlessly at him, then made a grab for his collar tugging him toward her. Cloud was startled by the abrupt movement, but allowed her to continue. Her eyes were burning with a passion he had never seen before, she pulled the zip down on his sweater and flung it open. Tifa's hands were on his chest gently feeling their way up and down, he leant back breathing deeply. Cloud felt the lust in his heart becoming unbearable, as she dragged his sweater down his muscled arms and threw it to the floor. He lowered his eyes to at last admire her, his heart skipped a beat and then raced. She was so beautiful, so much more so than he could have imagined. Cloud proceeded in kissing into her neck, his hand travelling downward. With a firm grasp he cupped her breast, his thumb stroking her nipple. Tifa felt her whole body tingle at the touch she had waited so long to feel, her eyes closing as Cloud brought his lips back to hers. He felt her hands unbuckling his belt, he wondered if he was really going to do this. He wanted too, but what if he wasn't any good. He quickly pushed the thought from his mind, kicking himself out of his trousers. Cloud noticed Tifa blushing, the sight of him in only his shorts made Tifa long to do things she never had before. Cloud smiled, reading her expression.

"Suppose you'll be wanting these off too!?" he teased, gently stroking his hands down her chest lingering just above her pelvic area. Tifa bolted up throwing her arms around his neck, she kissed him hard, passionately.

"Please Cloud, Ive waited for you for so long, please, don't tease a girl!" she breathed through their kiss. Cloud could feel his body twitching and waking at hearing her words, answering her plea he pushed her back down on the bed again. Hastily he pulled his shorts off, climbing between her legs. Cautiously he placed his hand just below her belly button, his fingers lightly trailed across her skin lower and lower. Tifa let out a pleasured sigh, clutching the sheets in her hands, heat coursing through her body. She was certain that like her Cloud had never done this before, yet his actions were perfected. Clouds lips softy brushed along hers, his hands intertwining with hers beside her head. He pushed his body closer to hers, her hands gripped his tighter before letting out a loud cry. Clouds heart beat faster with each motion as did hers, their skin becoming hot and clammy. He brought his arms up under her legs, coming closer to her. Tifa let out a loud moan, her back arching up beneath him. Their long postponed desire for each other was taking over, leading them to feel as though they were no longer in control of their bodies. After what felt like a lifetime of pent up emotion finally being released, Tifa suddenly cried out his name as her fingers began digging into his back. Cloud held her close, he could feel her body beginning to tremble. He felt the sweat drip from his forehead as he grabbed her tighter, he uncontrollably cried out while maintaining his strong hold on her until their tremors had stopped.

Neither were sure how long they laid on Clouds bed for, and neither had said a word. They were peaceful, content in each others arms.

"Cloud." Tifa started, breaking the silence. However a knock at the back door made them both exchange confused glances, who would be knocking at the back door they thought. "Maybe its the kids, oh I hope know ones hurt!" Tifa said, panic reaching her heart. Cloud leapt off the bed, hurriedly re-dressing.

"No, they wouldnt knock, you stay here Teef, Ill go see who it is ok." Tifa smiled and nodded, hiding herself in the covers. Cloud gave his spikes a ruffle as he descended the stairs, picking up his buster sword on his way to the back door. It was hardly worth keeping it around the house these days, but to Cloud being on guard was still too much of a force of habit. Readying his blade with a firm grip, he opened the door. ."Reno!" he stated, feeling shocked. Although they had put their differences from the past behind them, they were not the closest off allies what could he be doing here Cloud thought. What did he want. "What are you doing here?" Cloud asked, lowering his sword but still keeping it in a firm hand.

"Geez, hospitality really aint your thing is it Cloud?" Reno jested, waltzing into the kitchen. "I've come to offer you some work."

"Work?" Cloud watched Reno swoon about as though he owned the place, helping himself to an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Yer, you are a delivery boy now right?" Reno teased with a smile.

"So you expect me to trust a job offer from you, after your last job sent me to Healin in a feeble attempt to help you rebuild Shinra?"

"Cloud, you gotta stop living in the past man, this heres a real opportunity, Rufus is offering enough money for this job that you wouldnt ever have to work again!" Reno paced in front of Cloud, awaiting a response.

"I'm listening." Cloud eventually replied, loosening his grip on the Buster.

"Alright!" Reno said eagerly. "So hows about a drink, while I talk you over the job?" Cloud thought of Tifa waiting upstairs, he would have to make this as quick as possible.

"Fine, but lets make this quick ok!"

Upstairs Tifa strained her ears to try and make out what was being said, she had head Renos voice and Cloud but had lost track of them as theyd obviously headed to the bar. She re-dressed thinking this might take awhile and that Cloud would certainly not come back in the same mood. About twenty minutes later she heard Cloud bid farewell to Reno, followed by his heavy booted tread up the stairs. She sat up on his bed as he came through the door, waiting to hear what Renos strange visit had been about. Tifa gave him one of her dazzling smiles, but it quickly faded as she saw Cloud was wearing his work gear.

"You're leaving again." She said solemnly, she didnt even need to question it.

"I'm sorry Tifa, I dont want to leave you, or the kids, but this job Renos offered me comes from Rufus." Cloud didnt even get to finish his sentence before Tifa jumped down his throat.

"Stop lying, youve never had a problem leaving us, hmm, I know, you cant handle consistent life here with us, you slip into your old ways, still under the illusion that theres a battle out there to be fought, its over Cloud, the only battle you have left is with yourself, dont you want to be.a real family?"

"But Tifa, you dont understand, and that was, before...." Cloud trailed off, stepping closer to her. His fingers caught her under the chin, forcing her eyes to meet his. "I have to do this, for you, for us, for the kids, and I promise after this, Im done, no more taking off." Sadly Tifa had heard it all before but she didnt want to argue, not after the all to perfect moment they had shared.

"How long will you be gone?" she asked, her face turning from his.

"A week, two weeks, a month, I cant say." Tifa bit her lip, fighting back the tears that wanted to swell in her eyes. Cloud could see the hurt on her face, despite how she tried to hide it. He hated seeing that look and knowing that he was the cause of it. Pulling her into his arms, he tightly embraced her. Tifa was caught off guard, this was the first cuddle goodbye hed ever given her. She looked up into his face and he kissed her tenderly, Tifa savoured every minute fearful Clouds actions today would never be repeated. She followed him downstairs, watched him pack up for his journey. As he was about to leave, she stopped him.

"Cloud I...." She couldnt say it, even though the look in her eyes was practically spelling it out. This wasnt the right time for declaration she thought, if he retuned the same as when he left then, then she would tell him. "Be careful, ok!" Cloud gave her his usually nod of agreement, though this time he did something unusual of him. Taking her hand he lay a soft kiss upon it, Tifas eyes sparkled with tears she refused to let fall.

"Take care Teef!" Cloud smiled. She watched as he rode off into the distance, a cold emptiness filling her heart.

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