Battle of the Gods. Mistletoe

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In the last moment of planning the last details against the undead army.

Sailor Venus and some of the non-saint soldiers sprinkled salted water on their weapons.

Alexer: Salt, Mina?
Sailor Venus: Salt kills demons. Plus, salt and ice don't get along.

Alexer made a rose of ice and give it to Sailor Venus

Alexer: You're quite something

Meanwhile the others were planning how to defend the Palaestra, the Sancuary and the rest of the world

Athena: What's our situation?

Capricorn Ionioa: The enemy's gathering in the wilderness and according to the scouts the odds are three to one. And the bulk of our forces are composed by Asgardians, (looking at the Oppositto Senshi) former criminals, (Looking at Fenrir's soldiers) Dark Elves and (sighing while looking at the Ninjas and Satellites) foreign militia. Simple humans. If these militia is not an easy target, they are untrustworthy at best.

Seiya took word

Seiya: During Saga's Time as Pope, Us themselves were considered traitors and untrustworthy. The next generation have the potential to overcome us.
Sin: With all due respect, Lord Ionia, I think you underestimate our militiamen. All of you do. Even the Black Valkyrie Helia does that.
Ionia: And what would Helia's vessel know about this matter?
Fenrir weild his new sword in rage while Ionia summoned a book in response
Fenrir: I'll skew you where you stand, warlock!!!
Ionia: You will submit to me, geat!!
Athena: ENOUGH!!!

Everyone felt a very aggressive cosmo coming from Athena. Athena's presence was overwhelming.

Seiya: Saori-san?
Athena: There's truth on Sailor Sin's words.
Sin: Helia has betrayed a fatal flaw. Her hubris. So many years on the void made her ignorant from the outer world. And I suggest we use it.

With both armies ready to do battle, Helia noticed something strange:

Helia: Do my eyes decieve me? The Satellites, Rogues (ninjas) and both Dark and ligh Elves marching on the front?
Dolbar: Athena hasn't changed. She's a Goddesses of order and organized warfare. In chess the pawns go first.
Helia: This isn't chess or shogi, but this unorthodox movement has some purpose. We should destroy them anyways. Witherfang!!!
Roki: Milady
Helia: Prepare your wolf riders. After we spray them with mist arrows, you'll attack.
Roki: Where Judo failed, i will succeed. But remember our deal. No one gets to kill neither Seiya, Sin nor Fenrir but me.

(battle music)

The Hel-Walkers began to spray the militiamen with mist arrows. The Satellites counter the mist arrows with their own, the Ninjas used Ninpo to repel them and the Dark Elves used Svartalfheim shields.
Aya: Is this your idea of Shinobi in the light?
Callisto: I agree with your concubine!!
Lascoumoune and Tsukikage: You're really asking for it!!
Callisto: Your move, knife ears
Christina: (thinking: Typical fírima jerk) Now!!!

The Dark Elves moved to the sides and the Satellites separate from the ninjas while the rest of the millitia went on the run in column formation.

Helia: They're retreating. Our Wolven riders will mow them up like grass.

Helia authorized the attack and a contingent of Yomas, Orcs and Wolve-mounted Asgardian traitors, led by Roki began to advance. The villian noticed oil in the ground.

Sailor Moon/ Saint Seiya. Asgard Redemption. Book 2. Light of AlfheimWhere stories live. Discover now