Brave New World

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The 2-hour long drive felt much longer than it was but eventually, she finally arrived at Chloe's house. Chloe was waiting on her front step when Charlotte pulled up. Chloe ran down the front steps to hug her best friend. Charlotte clung to Chloe and eventually, they walked into the house together. 

Char, Are you ok? I mean, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you after the attack. I should have gone or to visit you and not just talk to you over the phone. Chloe said in distress 

No, Chloe. It's because of you that I got away from Grant. Now, I don't need to worry about him again, Chloe. I love you for that, bestie.  She reassured her friend. 

Chloe took Charlotte up to her room then helped Charlotte to unpack her clothes and proceeded to tell Charlotte all about her relationship with Jasper. Charlotte got the impression that Chloe really liked Jasper but Chloe agreed to make Charlotte's first day all about Charlotte. They would drive to school together Just the two of them. Chloe was confident that Jasper would survive one day without her. Charlotte needed her because it wasn't going to be easy for Charlotte to get used to a new school, trusting new people after what happened with Grant. Charlotte slept erratically that night. She was nervous about school tomorrow and she was scared to look in the eyes of boys. She was most afraid of what she would do if someone that she was attracted to and how she would react. 

When 7 o'clock came around, Charlotte reluctantly pulled herself out of bed and took a quick shower. The water flowing off her face was painful as hell but Charlotte just tried to deal with it. She stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel. She glanced in the mirror and looked at her face because the bruises looked horrible then she started thinking about everyone at school was going to think she was a freak. As if she needed another reason why she dreaded going to school. 

Chloe was concerned for her friend because she had never seen her this scared before. When she pulled up to Swellview high, She hopped out of the car and took Charlotte's hand knowing she was going to need help getting through this day.  First, They went to the office to get Charlotte's schedule and Charlotte was happy when she received it and saw that she had three classes with Chloe Charlotte knew Chloe would never let anything happen to her. 

Char, Do you want to meet my friends? Chloe asked Charlotte. 

Sure, Chloe. She answered trying to appease Chloe. 

They went to a table with a group of people sitting there. 

Alright, Guys. This is my best friend ever, Charlotte Page. Make her feel welcome. Charlotte, This is Jasper, Henry, Justin, Piper. She said pointing out people around the table. 

Hi everybody, I'm Charlotte she introduced herself shyly. Chloe gestured her to sit in a chair beside Henry while Chloe took the one right next to her which was beside Jasper. She caught Henry staring at her and she could only imagine what was going through his mind. The bell rang and Chloe ushered off to their first class which was English. Charlotte had always loved English but after her accident, nothing seemed to hold the same significance for her anymore. The teacher, A middle-aged balding man glanced at her schedule and sent her to sit in the back of the room. Charlotte noticed that Henry and Jasper were both in this class. The class went by and Charlotte was mostly bored because she had read "The Grapes of Wrath"  months ago. Charlotte was worried about her next class because Chloe wasn't in it and so far, she had caught several people staring at her face and it made her uncomfortable. The bell then rang and Chloe showed her to class to the next class before running to her class.  She noticed for the second time that Henry was in another one of her classes. She was glad however that Lunch was next and, to be honest Charlotte was hungry since she did eat any breakfast because she was too nervous but now she was famished. Math wasn't too bad but she still relieved when the bell rang. She gathered up her things when she heard a voice. 

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