"Shit, it's nine-ten. You still need to eat and get ready for the specialty show," Master Alex grabbed my clothes and handed them to me, "Here; I'll help you into your shorts while you slip your shirt on. Do you have anything to eat? If you don't, I can get something from the kitchen,"

I stood shaky legs and had to hold onto his shoulders as he slid the shorts over my legs, "I have a protein bar in my locker and Annie will probably let me have some fruit if she's on break,"

"That's not enough. I'll have something sent to you when you go back to work. Drink some more water and I'll walk you out. Next time we do something, it'll be on a night you have off,"

"So, there's going to be a next time?"

Master Alex laughed and nodded, "Definitely, there will be a next time. Here's your boots," I sat down on the bed and shrugged on the boots. I left them unzipped slightly and stood up. Master Alex wrapped his arm around my waist and I flinched forward slightly before relaxing slightly.

"You okay, Quinn?"

"Yeah, sorry. It's just a personal thing. I'm still getting used to people touching me intimately," He raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything, though I'm sure he wanted to. His arm dropped to his side and I was thankful for him understanding my boundaries.

Master Alex walked me to the submissive changing room and leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Until next time, Little One," I involuntarily shuddered and bit my lip as Master Alex winked and stepped away, "Don't forget to eat, Quinn,"

I was grinning like a fool when I opened the door to the changing room. Annie looked up from her book and immediately set it down. She threw me a clementine and I caught it, joining her on the bench.

"Did you have fun, Quinn?"

"I have nothing to say," I was quiet for about ten seconds before I turned to Annie with a giant grin, "Except Master Alex is hot as fuck and he's got this voice that just . . . damn,"

"Sounds like you're smitten. Getting over Master Knight already?"

"I don't know, but I am definitely interested in Master Alex. He said that the next time we do anything, he'd make sure it was a night I had off. Talk about teasing someone,"

Annie smiled warmly at me, "I haven't seen you so excited before. It's nice to see. You should do it more often. Come on, let's go. I've got to start floating and you've got to be behind that bar before Master Knight flips his lid,"

"He's not . . . he's not mad at me for missing my time, is he?"

"No, but Charlie is. He was telling everyone that if you weren't at the bar by nine-thirty, he'd make a complaint. He really doesn't like you,"

"That sounds like a him problem. I don't really care,"

When Annie and I made it to the bar, Charlie was standing in the center, where I usually worked, so I chose to work the left of the bar, close to the entrance and exit. I could see Master Alex's table and when I caught his eye, he raised his drink to me slightly and nodded in my direction. I bit my lip and did a small salute to him.

"I hope he was worth being late," Charlie hissed at me when he was done serving the Doms in the center area.

"Pretty sure what I do in my break time isn't your business, Charlie,"

"It is, though. Cause I—"

"Can run to Master Knight and whine and bitch? Good for you,"

Before Charlie could reply, the music lowered and Ken's voice came through the speakers, "Good evening, everyone. Those who were invited to the specialty show please be advised it will be starting in twenty minutes. Grab drinks and food at this time and proceed to the specialty lounge,"

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