Eventually her eyes landed on me, too bad she'd caught me staring again. I didn't really care if I was honest, she knew I had a thing for her anyway. That wasn't why we were here, I just wanted to talk to her about things for a little while.

She made her way up the same pathway that I had taken, slowly taking little steps, was she going this slow on purpose. Eventually she reached the tier I was in and made her way over to the seat next to me. Her hair was tied up, but it slinked over her shoulders as she sat, I wonder if she was even more beautiful with her hair out? I hadn't seen her with anything other than a ponytail before.

"Hey Chris," she grinned, sliding back into the seat, stretching her arms out wide.

"Fancy seeing you here," I joked, she smiled back at me, shaking her head in amusement.

"So, I guess we should have that chat," she began, I nodded, silently hoping she'd hurry up and divulge her secret. "Well, we were going back and forth for a little while, you kept running from me and I was very confused. I met the girl you saw this morning at the club one night, I thought you'd recognise her if I was honest. Anyway, I invited her to my room for a times, to, you know, sleep with. She's the one you heard me with," she kept explaining.

I couldn't help but feel my jealousy reach a new peak. I know we weren't exclusive, or even close to it at that point but it was still uncomfortable to think about her with someone else. I wanted desperately to mark her as my territory, as primitive as that sounded, I hated sharing, but I don't think I was ready to classify what we were doing as 'dating' yet. I know we'd decided that we would be exclusive for now while we worked things out, it quelled a few of my nagging thoughts.

"Oh okay, yeah that makes sense," I finally added, I could tell she was waiting for a response.

"Are you okay?" she responded, noticing how quiet I had become, I nodded and reached out to grab her hand. She looked a little shocked at first but didn't resist the move. I leant across the seat and rested my head on her shoulder. We sat silently for a little while, absorbed in our own thoughts. "Do you want to tell me what's wrong yet," she queried.

I thought for a few seconds before deciding what to tell her, "I don't know, I guess I feel a little jealous. Part of me just wants to mark you all over with 'don't touch' and part of me is a little scared of the thought.

"Hey, you know I'm not talking to her anymore, you're it until you decide what you want," She replied, turning her head to kiss my forehead.

"I suppose, come over here," I told her, patting my lap as an invitation. She tilted her head questioningly, but moved over, she sat upright and slid her legs awkwardly over mine, I must admit these seats weren't ideal for this. I reached up to grab her face and pull her in close, as she got closer, I craned my neck forward so my lips met hers.

She kissed me back immediately, gripping my hair in her palms. She started off slow and soft, gentle and caring, I couldn't help but make it more than gentle by biting her lip. She grinned as I let my hands fall to her stomach and begin to find their way up her shirt.

"We're going to get caught in here, Chris," She whispered, her head nestled firmly in my neck, I knew she didn't really want me to stop but knew I should ask first.

"I can stop if you want?" I whispered back, we had both frozen our movements, her body was resting on mine, yet I barely noticed.

She was silent for a little bit, we just sat there in the empty hall, her legs were still on either side of me, her hands still holding my face as she nestled into my neck. I could feel her soft breathing against my skin, "I don't want you to, just keep an eye out for people," she finally answered.

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