"Ingrid?" He asked and he heard a sharp intake of breath.

"Enoch?" Oh god, it's her!

"Yes. It's me, babe." He walked up to the door and went to open it but was stopped by Ingrid.

"No! No, don't come in."

"Why? Ingrid it's just me."

"I don't know what's happening I'm confused and I can smell you. I can smell you," she laughed a bit hysterically, "I'm scared, Enoch. I'm really fucking scared." Enoch's heart broke even more.

"I'm not gonna say that it's okay because it's not, but it's gonna be." he said, sliding down to sit against the hut, "It will because it's us. You're a fucking badass woman who takes shit from no one and I'm a stubborn dumbass, who defies some weird ass odds. We're gonna be fine. We'll figure it out, darling."

Ingrid chuckled, wetly, "I love you." She then made some weird hacking noise.

"Ooh that was attractive. I'm hard now thanks." They both laughed and then Enoch said softly, "I love you too. More than anything."

She echoed, "More than anything."


They sat there until the sun went down. Then Ingrid tentatively came out of the hut. Enoch wanted to immediately hug her, but knew he couldn't, so he refrained. They walked back to the boarding house, it took longer than it should've because it's hard to navigate woods, okay! But they made it. On the way there though they had an interesting conversation.

"Hey, when did you learn how to astral project?" Enoch asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I heard you when I was sleeping and then I chased you through the whole house, but you kept disappearing.I then found out you were in the woods." Ingrid stopped walking and she looked at Enoch with concern all over her face.

"Enoch. That wasn't me."


"Yeah. That wasn't me."

"Huh. Maybe I was grief hallucinating." he said.

"Maybe." Ingrid said, but she didn't look convinced and to be honest, Enoch wasn't all that convinced either. But anyway they made it back to the house and found out that they missed quite a bit. Damon had gotten bit by Tyler and was dying and then Stefan got a cure but sold himself over to Klaus, but Katherine's free! Not that Enoch knew she was trapped with Klaus in the first place, but eh who cares about technicalities? He made Ingrid a daylight ring because they got shit to do in the daytime ain't nobody got the time to wait till night. And then they went to bed.In separate beds because Ingrid was scared about her self-control.

He woke up in the middle of the night to her sobbing. She was sitting on the floor against the wall with her knees to her chest. Enoch jumped out of bed and ran to her.

"Oh god, Enoch. It's horrible. It's so fucking horrible. What do I do? What do I do?" she said crying harder at the end. He wrapped his arms around her and tugged her to his chest.

"What's wrong?"

"The visions, the dead. They're so much worse. I can't turn it off. It's like it's... heightened?" Enoch knew he needed someone who knew more about this than him, so he went to pull away, but she clung to him and cried harder. He sat for a moment thinking about what to do when it hit him. Vampires have super-hearing.

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