Chapter 4 - Caught

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Free time






"What's wrong with it?" I asked as I looked at it again.

"Were all in the same class, whack brain.'' She chuckled. I shrugged, I don't have anything to do with my schedule it was just given to me randomly not that I mind since I always excel in every subject in class. I purse my lips, maybe I should ge--

''Take me out on a date today." She suddenly demanded snapping me out of my thoughts. This girl really...

"No." I said firmly

"Yes, you are. I have my reasons."

"W-wha..'' She didn't even let me finish, what ever it was that I was gonna say before she started talking.

"Paul and Sarah are going on a date today so I had another brilliant idea of Accidentally bumping today with them during our date." She grinned proudly. Just how far will she go with this Paul? Do I have to remind her that he broke up with her. If I were in her position I would definitely try to move on and find some other guy that would suit me better than Paul and she did.

"I can't believe you, Astrid." I face palmed but nodded anyway, I mean what can I do? I broke her ankle and she can't walk properly but she kicked me too...... Nah, it's okay. It's just for fun anyway.

"Yay!'' She fake cheered and laughed and I just laughed too. It's funny how I just randomly laugh and smile when I'm with her.

After that little talk, we went to our classes hand-to-hand ready to announce that were (fake) together. Once we were inside, girls and guys gasped and groaned. Ignoring all the guys piercing eyes, I let Astrid pull me towards her friends. She walked damn fast and it freaking hurts!

I almost bumped to Astrid when she stopped in front of 3 blonde people. One who I recognize Finn. Then there were a blonde twins. The girl was looking at me in shock, jaw-dropped and wide eyed, the guy twin was looking at me with a grin. Why was he grinning?

"Hey there, Brown Hottie" The girl twin purred and grinned at me. I blinked. B-brown Hottie?

"I.. Uh, H-hey to you too." I took her hand, brought it to my lips and kissed it. Mom used to say that kissing a girls hand was a way of showing respect in her time so I do it until now. I lift my head up and saw her mouth slighlty open just staring at her hands that I kissed.

"A hot guy kissed my hands." She mumbled then her brother pushed her and stepped on her sister's previous position. Slightly startled about his move, I move my head away.

"Hi!" He said with a grin and looked at me up and down, is he checking me out? "I'm Tuffnut!" He took my hand and shook it on his own, damn. He shake hands like a maniac, I almost thought my bones flew out.

"Haiden." Was my only reply.

"Do you have abs?" He asked and I shook my head. I don't have abs but I do have developing muscles. Not that big but.. It's there.

"What a bummer!" This so called Tuffnut, pouted.

"Hey, Haiden" Finn or Fishlegs waved at me and I bowed my head a bit in a knowledgement.

"Okay, enough with the introduction as you all know this guy is Haiden Haddock. He's a transferee here but he used to be-"

"Get to the point, Sasstrid."

Accidentally in love [{Hiccstrid}]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz