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Tatum drove passed the 'Now Leaving Charming' sign. The blue haired woman had ran back to her father's house after her encounter with Wendy, and quickly gathered her things together and drove off in her mustang. Was she being over dramatic? Most likely. Did she give a fuck? Absolutely not. She needed time to breath and she knew she couldn't do that in Charming, not while Jax was around.

Tatum tossed her phone onto the passenger side seat, she had shut it off an hour ago and could only imagine the missed calls and texts that awaited her. She didn't want to talk to anyone though, she knew they'd all try and talk her into staying and that was the last thing she wanted to do.

A sigh left her lips as she turned up the radio, trying to silence all the noise in her mind as she drove down the dark, nearly empty roads. Tatum honestly had no idea why she was so shocked to learn that Jax had fucked Ima, she knew Jax was a playboy and that was putting it nicely. It wasn't like the blonde VP had become recently celibate, but just the thought of Cal marrying someone who Jax had relations with made Tatum sick to her stomach. Tatum wasn't naive, she knew the croweaters and porn stars went from SAMCRO member to SAMCRO member as long as one would have them, but her brother didn't deserve Jax Teller's sloppy seconds he deserved so much better.

Tatum knew spending the night in Lodi at her mother's wasn't going to be much help this time. She needed to go much farther than Lodi, she needed to go back to Santo Padre. Tatum needed the comforts of her own home and bed, and she needed to talk to Rey face to face. The blue haired woman needed her best friend more than ever right now. Tatum reached over and turned the volume on the radio up even more, it was a long drive from Charming to Santo Padre, and she didn't plan on stopping.


It was nearing one in the morning when Tatum pulled up to Rey's house. Her body ached and she had a migraine, but Tatum was happy to finally be far away from Charming. It felt like she could breathe for the first time in over a week. Tatum never felt like she could really breathe while she was in Charming, and it was one of the many reasons why she left the small town behind so many years ago. She quickly shut off her mustang and exited the car, even the air felt better in Santo Padre. Tatum practically ran towards Rey's house once she saw her best friend step out onto the illuminated porch with a blanket wrapped around her slender frame and a look of worry across her features.

"I'm sorry, Rey." Tatum apologized as Rey pulled her into a tight hug. "I just needed to breathe." She explained.

"Don't apologize, T." Aubrey said while shaking her head at her best friend's apology. "You're my best friend. It's what I'm here for." She said firmly with a smile.,

Tatum nodded. She would forever be grateful for meeting Aubrey her first week in Santo Padre. The curly, dark haired woman had been a lifesaver in many needed times. "You didn't call anyone, right?" Tatum doubted Rey would let anyone know where she was, but she also knew Rey and EZ's relationship had gotten back on track since she was away.

"Nah." Aubrey shook her head. "Hoes before bros." She said earning a genuine laugh from Tatum. "Let's get inside."

"Thank you, Rey." Tatum said softly as she walked into the house. The blue haired woman was beyond exhausted, and she only hoped her mind would shut up long enough for her to get some sleep, because Tatum knew once the sun rose in a few hours that she had a lot of thinking to do.


Tatum sat on Rey's porch with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, and a cup of coffee in her hands. The sun had just begun to rise as a yawn left Tatum's mouth. She had been lucky enough to get a solid four hours of sleep before her racing thoughts woke her up. She had so many things to try and process and figure out, but she didn't even know where to start.

The sudden sound of a truck pulling up to Rey's house pulled Tatum's from her confused thoughts, her eyes looked towards the curb were Felipe Reyes' truck was. She watched as he made his way towards her with a soft smile on his face. "We need to talk, hija." He said once he reached the blue haired woman.

"Did Rey call you?" Tatum asked with no hint of anger in her voice. It wouldn't have surprised her if she did. Tatum had grown close to the patriarch of the Reyes family in the years she had been with Angel. In a way she looked at Felipe Reyes like the dad her father had never been like.

"Angel did." Felipe said as he took a seat next to the blue haired woman. "'My son loves you more than anything, and he was stupid for what he did, believe me I've told him myself more than a few times." The older Reyes man said. "But, he's different when he's with you. Tatum, you've made his life brighter and that isn't easy for someone like him. Angel, he was treated different than EZ, and he holds a lot of resentment towards me for treating Ezekiel like the golden child, but when he met you it was like none of that mattered. He's become a better person because of you."

Tatum wasn't sure how to respond to Felipe's words. Angel had told her how he always felt jealous of EZ for being treated like the golden son, but to actually hear those words come from his father's mouth made her heart ache for him. "I'm scared, Felipe." She admitted. It had taken her a while to realize that she was so fucking scared of being in love with Angel. When Tatum finally fell in love she wanted it to be forever, she didn't want the kind of relationship her parents had.

"Tell him that hija." Felipe said while placing a kiss on the top of Tatum's head. "Tell him all of your worries, all of your fears, everything so you can work through all of it. You already have his corazón, Tatum. I think it's time you start listening to yours."

Tatum nodded. She knew what she needed to do.


A/N: Thank you for all the votes, comments, and views!! ❤️ Sorry if there's any mistakes it's unedited. P.S. Go check out my new EZ story!

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