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Hangovers were a thing of rarity for Tatum, she was someone who can handle her liquor well and not have to worry about waking up the next morning wanting to die, but the day after her so called welcome home party at SAMCRO's clubhouse the blue haired woman felt like death warmed over twice.

A groan escaped her parched mouth as sunlight filled the unknown bedroom she was currently in, her head felt like it was about to explode and the sun was not helping the situation. Before Tatum could do anything about her splitting headache she needed to first find out whose house she was in. The blue haired woman doubted Jax or any other member of SAMCRO would let her walk off with some stranger , but anything was possible when free pussy was walking around the clubhouse, distracting members from keeping a watchful eye on the Princess.

Tatum laid in the small bed, staring up at the white ceiling while trying to talk herself into leaving the room, and face the owner of whoever's house she was in. She took a deep breath and slowly sit up in the bed, wincing at the sharp pain in her head. "Look, I promise to never drink vodka again." Tatum mumbled while looking towards the ceiling. "just don't let me have gone home with Tig." The blue haired woman made the sign of the cross, hoping God or whoever was up there heard her pleas. Tatum wasn't overly religious, she enjoyed the quiet comforts of a church once in a while, and she was the type of person who prayed when things got really rough in life. Sometimes she needed more than Jax Teller and Angel Reyes to hear her words.

Tatum ran a hand through her tangled mess of blue hair and wiped last nights makeup from her eyes. She was still in last nights clothes which made her feel better about waking up in some strangers home. "Here goes nothing." She muttered before opening the door and slowly walking down the hallway. If she was lucky enough she would be able to sneak out.

"Leavin' already darlin'?" Tatum didn't have to turn around to know Jax was standing behind her with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, thank god." She said with relief as she turned around to face the smirking blonde biker. "This isn't Tig's house." Tatum said.

"Nah darlin'." Jax said raising an eyebrow at Tatum. "It's mine. Why would you think it was Tig's?" He questioned with amusement clear in his voice and on his face.

"No reason." She said shaking her head. "I've just always had this irrational fear of getting so drunk that I go home with Tig, and then we get married and it's just horrible." She shook her head at the thought of being Mrs. Alexander Trager. "How did I wind up at your house anyway?" Tatum asked while trying to piece together her fuzzy memories of last night.

Jax laughed as he walked closer towards a confused looking Tatum. "C'mon darlin', I'll tell you over coffee. You look like you could use some." He said while draping his arm across her shoulder.

Tatum took a seat at the table while Jax poured them each a cup of coffee. Her eyes took in her surroundings, she could make out some photos hanging on the wall there were a few of Jax and the other members of SAMCRO, a few of Jax and Gemma, but the one that really caught her eyes was one of herself and Jax on the night of her graduation party. Tatum's head was thrown back in laughter as Jax smiled at her with his arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

"That's my favorite picture." Jax said with a smile as he placed a cup of coffee in front of her. "Mom found it and hung it up. I think she did it to piss Tara off, because she put it where everyone could see it." He said with a small laugh, his mind wandering back to the day Gemma cane over and hung up the photo with a smug smirk on her face as Tara watched with a scowl on hers.

Tatum nodded and took a sip of coffee, hearing Tara's name felt like an old wound being ripped wide open. Of course she knew the brunette was back in Charming, she had received a rant filled phone call from Gemma on the day Jax's former love returned. Jax never formally told Tatum that Tara was back or that they had gotten back together, she had to hear it all from Gemma's mouth. Jax always liked to keep the most important things from her, claiming he didn't want to hurt her, but to Tatum it seemed like all of the most important men in her life always kept the most crucial parts of their life from her in fears of hurting her, and it didn't matter in the end cause she always found out.

"So explain to me how I got here." Tatum said while placing a smile on her face.

Jax took a seat next to Tatum before speaking. "Well vodka was your best friend last night." The blonde biker said while lighting up a cigarette and absentmindedly tracing the tattoo on her shoulder with his fingers. A groan left Tatum's mouth as the mouth vodka left Jax's mouth. She never wanted to hear the words vodka and best friend in the same sentence ever again. "You wanted to leave an hour after Cal showed up, and I offered to take you but you kept saying you didn't want to go to your dad's. I took you back here and put you in the spare room." Jax explained his fingers still slowly tracing her tattoo.

"Thank you." Tatum gave Jax an appreciative smile while trying to ignore the feeling of his fingers on her skin. She hated to admit it but it felt good.

"Anything for you darlin.'" Jax said, leaning over to place a kiss on Tatum's cheek.

A long, loud laugh suddenly left Tatum's lips, startlingly Jax. "Wait a minute." She said while trying to control her laughter. "Am I still drunk or did I find out last night that Cal is marrying Ima?" She asked while wiping away the few tears that fell from her eyes. Memories of last night were slowly coming back to her, and of course that was the most vivid one. "Like, that's a joke right?" Tatum looked at Jax hoping to see a smile break out on his face and hear a "gotcha' come out of his mouth, but all she got was his silence.

"Jesus Christ." Tatum muttered. "It's seriously not a joke? Cal is marrying her." She wasn't sure what shocked her more, Cal marrying Ima or the fact that everyone knew and didn't tell her. "Not to sound like a complete bitch, but is he sure the baby is his? I mean I'm sure he isn't the only SAMCRO member with a patch that's tucked her." It wasn't the nicest thing to ever come out of Tatum's mouth, but it was honest. Ima was known to throw herself at whoever wore a SAMCRO kutte.

Jax wasn't surprised by Tatum's question. It was the same one him and many of his other brothers had when Cal first told them about Ima's pregnancy. "It's his." Jax confirmed. The blonde VP wasn't a big fan of Ima either, but the blonde porn star had stopped trying to get with any other member of SAMCRO once she started sleeping with Cal on a regular. "She really does love him, T." It had surprised him the most when Ima fell in love with the young SAMCRO member. Jax was use to the porn star offering my her pussy to him in most nights, and he had taken it once or twice though he didn't feel the need to tell Tatum that, but he could tell she really did love Cal, and he really loved her. It was a match made in SAMCRO and CaraCara heaven.

"I need a shower." Tatum sighed. "I smell like roadkill."

"Shower's all yours, darlin'." Jax laughed while reluctantly removing his fingers from Tatum's shoulder. "Though I think you smell just fine." He whispered into her ear, his voice sending a tingling sensation down her spine.

Tatum let out a scoff and pushed Jax away. "Like I'd take your word for it. You spend a majority of your time in a place that smells of stale beer, cigarettes, and pussy." She said while getting up from the table. "Fuck." Tatum cursed as she suddenly remembered she didn't have any clean clothes with her. "You don't happen to have any clothes I can borrow?" She asked.

Jax stood up from the table and walked down the hallway without saying a word. Tatum raised an eyebrow while she waited for the blonde to return with someone fresh clothes. "I can do you one better." Jax said reappearing with a smile on his face and a suitcase in his hand - specifically Tatum's suitcase. "I drove your car back here last night. He explained to the confused looking Tatum. "I figured you were in no shape to ride on my bike."

"You're the best, Teller." Tatum smiles while grabbing her suitcase from Jax's hand.

"Bathroom is at the end of the hall." He said while twirling a piece of Tatum's hair around his finger before she walked off down the hall. Jax watched her walk into the bathroom, the door closing softly behind her. He was trying to take things slow, trying to show Tatum that he wanted to be something serious with her, but he only had two weeks to convince her and from the drunken texts he saw on her phone from Angel, the Mayan wasn't going to let Tatum go without a fight.


A/N: Sorry this took so long to get out! I had it written for a few days but didn't get a chance to post it until now. Thank you all so much for the views, comments, and votes! It means a ton to me! ❤️ Also, sorry this ending is a bit eh, and sorry if there's any mistakes it's unedited.

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