Chapter Twenty-Five

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Emily, Ally, Lizzy, and I were shopping when I realized Lizzy was looking off today. We were just in H&M looking for cute clothes. Lizzy and Emily looked pretty bored though, I guess this just isn't their store.

I looked through the cute skater skirts and picked out a plain dark red one. It looked cute and fancy in a way.

"Ashley!" Ally calls out from about two meters away from me. I turn to look at her and she steps into view. "Would this look cute together?"

She was pressing a black skater skirt against her legs and a sunflower tank top against her torso to imitate what it would look like on her. She was also holding a cardigan, so I think that she's intending to wear it with the outfit.

"Maybe, go into the changing room and we'll find out." I say back, smiling at her. Ally rushes to the changing room and I turn around to find Emily and Lizzy talking about something. They had serious expressions on, which said they were having a serious conversation. Lizzy looked concerned and Emily looked frustrated. I left them to talk it out and followed Ally into the changing room.

"Ally?" I called out to see which stall she's in.

"Yeah?" She calls back.

I walk over to her stall and lean my back against the door. I heaved a big sigh. Life is so difficult. I haven't told anybody about me and Nathaniel moving in about a month or so. I told Nathaniel I didn't want to tell anyone until about the last two weeks, so that everybody wouldn't make such a big fuss about it. I'm kind of mad at myself for ruining my rules. Over the years of moving, I've created rules for myself to follow so moving won't be as difficult anymore. They're just three simple rules and I can't even follow them.

1) Don't get attached to your friends. It'll be more difficult to let go.
2) Absolutely no romance. No kissing, no boyfriends, no making out, no sex.
3) Don't start drama. And if there is drama, avoid it.

And you're probably thinking 'Wait. Hold up, hold up, hold up, no sex? You mean, you're a virgin?' Yes, I am a virgin. I'm not exactly that kind of person and if something happens and I get pregnant. Well, shit would go down.

And you're also probably thinking 'Wait. Hold up, hold up, hold up, no kissing? You mean, your first kiss was from Niall? A hot, mentally and emotionally unstable, hormonal teenage boy?' Yes. And I, honestly, didn't want to lose my first kiss because of some stupid dare. But, at least it was a good kiss. I mean, I didn't feel anything but, Niall is a good kisser. I'll give you that.

And you're probably like 'Wait. Hold up, hold up, hold up, no boyfriends? You mean you never had a boy to release all that sexual tension to?' Nope. And before you freak out, let me explain. First of all, boyfriends are kind of irrelevant to me. I know some people say having boyfriends give you experience so when you find 'the one' it'll be easy. But, I'm so young. I don't need to worry about 'the one' yet.

Ally opens the door and I stumble backwards since my back was leaned up against it. I let out a small shriek before Ally caught me before I fell to the ground.

"Jeez, Ashley, are you stupid or are you dumb?" Ally laughs as I stand up and try to straighten myself.

"I think, I'm both." I laugh. I turn to look at her and smiled. "That looks damn great on you but, then again what do you not look great on?"

Ally laughs and smiles at me. "Thanks, Ashley."

We finish up shopping sooner or later and we went to Ally's & Emily's apartment. We sat down in front of the TV with snacks, just talking to each other with music blasting in the background. Again, Lizzy didn't seem like herself. She was slightly down and was failing to cover it up.

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