Ryans Story Before Villain Story What Caused it

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Ryan POv in flashback to

I was asked about my past and I was going to come clean in front of a friend and owner and he said he won't ditch me. "Ok then"


I was with my parents they're quirks helped with computers so naturally they were in IT. I was born with a green tongue and eyes and it was like my tongue looks like a glitchy computer program but my parents still took me but they later thought they should have left me. Skip to when I was four my laughs and cries sound like glitchy screams my parents wrote it off as an early part of my quirk. The day I turned four I was in my tv across from bed I was tapping on the glass I'm glad my mother noticed and pulled my out. "Mommy that was scary" I was really scared. "I thought you couldn't hear me" she didn't want to tell me she couldn't. We then went to the hospital and was astonished at my quirk.

"Your son has an amazing quirk, he can glitch out the laws of well anything. He could go inside anything with a screen and use anything on the item he is in and switch between devices. But when he is out of it I guess you could call him god he can create glitchy weapons, do stuff like pause anything, rewind it or fast forward anything even people. But the only drawback is he is heavy" I was confused. "You're like a person sized deadweight that can't run, you have to walk like everywhere" he said then I smiled it was a small drawback. "If you use it too much you have to take a nap" he finished and I was excited so I made a baseball but it was glitchy green.

"Wow cool I might actually be able to help a lot of people with this" I said and my parents smiled. "Maybe I might become a hero" I said and they smiled but I also found out something else. 'What does he mean maybe' My eyes shot out of my head. "Doc do I only have one" I asked and he nodded. 'So reality itself is at the touch of my fingers.'

We then went back home and thought about stuff and when we got home I noticed the car squeak and remember something. I quickly got off the car and I paused it and I was surprised to see it completely on its side. I rewound it and the dents and damage was gone and it didn't flip. I tried to run but nope I walked inside the house slowly. "This is going to get annoying," I said to no one.

I opened the door and had an unamused face, "hey Ryan what's wrong" I explained the car almost flipped. "Wow, that is something" she said and I nodded then I walked to the table for dinner. The chairs are made of wood. I stared at it, 'if I can do that with a car' I thought and moved it. "What's wrong Ryan"I looked at my dad.

"I think since I almost flipped the car I might break the chair now I'm scared about upstairs wait a second" I turned to my computer that my aunt got me. "I could make a new bedroom only in a computer" I smiled and they looked at each other and I would have to set a lot of alarms. "I mean I swear I won't be on videos all night" I said and they reluctantly agreed because it was a good idea. When we finished eating I went to town and made my dream room on the computer and set the alarms and noticed whenever I'm in something the battery life sign disappears so the device doesn't die and I decided that closing and turning it off was to risky so I got rid of those two options and who needed a store when you can get literally anything you want online. I did and figured this out all in one night but I have school tomorrow so I hopped out and said good night love you to my parents then hopped back in.

I woke up and I was lucky the shower was downstairs but I thought of an idea. I made a shower and saw if it worked and I was surprised it did. I showered dressed and I noticed the heavy drawback didn't exist in the computer and the computer was close to the door so I could walk to school. I said bye to my parents and was forced to walk.


I finally got in the classroom. I wasn't out of breath, "sorry I got my quirk yesterday and my drawback is I'm heavy like I almost flipped a car heavy" my class was dumbfounded but believed me when I was walking slow but trying to go faster. I sat and the seat actually started to bend. People heard it but didn't break.

The Quirk That Lets You Control OthersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora