Chapter One {New Chapter}

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It's a New Year and definitely not a new me. I wish my life would go as I planned it. I wish my parents would pay more attention to me and not shut me out and be all rude and stuff. My life was perfect at one point. My parents and I were on the same page, wanted me to be the best I can be and never really hated me like they do now. But since they don't pay that much attention to me I just continue my life like it should be, and now that I have my best friend by my side I can do it. I can be myself and not worry about others but everyone knows that one bully who can get under your skin no matter what you do. Yeah, I have that and I wish she'd go away. I sighed looking at my mirror. I don't apply that much makeup because I honestly don't need that much but I grabbed my things leaving my house. My parents aren't even home so why bother.

"Ana!" Jessica shouts with the window down. I run to the car and hop in.

"I miss you." I hugged her.

"I missed you too. Ready to kick some ass this year?"

"Our last year together hell yeah!" I said as I put my seat belt on and she drove us to school.

"Were they home?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Where did they go this time?" She asked.

"I don't know. They never tell me anything."

"Have they?"

"No, not since that day. But I don't want to talk about that. It's useless."

"I know." She sighs. We pulled up at the school and she parked.

"It's a new year, we change and become a better us." She says looking at me.

"Always." I giggled and we got out of the car. People greeted us and we walked into the school.

"She's alive and breathing!" Victoria gasped.

"Already, you wanna start drama already?" Jessica spat.

"I believe I was talking to the baby." She sized her.

"Jessica leave it alone, that's all she'll ever talk about," I said pulling her back.

"So pathetic." She scoffs and walks away.

"She really irritates me."

"She irritates everyone." I laughed.

"Come let's go to our lockers and get our stuff. I followed her to our locker getting what we needed.

We headed to our first class and waited for the bell.

"So what's the plan tonight?" Jessica asked.

"I don't know, it depends on how much homework we get. You could come over and we can chill." I suggested.

"Alright, sound good to me." She shrugged and the warning bell rings.

"Time for hell." Jessica joked.

I shook my head laughing as people walked in. Some waving at us and some just getting their seats. Once, everyone, was in the class the final bell ranged and the teacher walked in.

"Good morning everyone and welcome back. Together is our last year and I know you all are excited but we will not waste time and go over rules you should already know. You are all going to be young adults and you all need to start acting like it. You'll be entering the real world soon. But today will be an easy day, we will watch a video and take notes and then you will take more notes and depending on how much time we have you are allowed to do whatever you'd like. Any questions?" He asked. No one said anything.

"Alright, take out some paper and a pen or pencil. Someone, please turn off one like for now." He said and headed to the back of the classroom. As he set up the video there was a knock at the door.

"Get that more me." The teacher said and one of the students opened the door.

"Ah, late as always. What's the excuse this time twins?" The teacher asked not even looking up at them.

"Woke up late." One of them said.

"I had to wake him up and he wouldn't." The other said.

"Whatever, get seated please." He said and they took their seats.

Jessica looked at them and glared. I was going to ask if she knew them but the video started. I'll ask after class.


The class was finally over and my hands were hurting from writing so much. I put away my things and the bell rung. Jessica and I left the class and went to our lockers.

"I'm already tired." She announced.

"Of course you are." I giggled and she smiled at me.

"Question." I said.


"Those twins, do you know them?" I asked.

"Yeah, friends of mine that you shouldn't be concerned about." She said.

"Are they bad, and new because I never see them around?"

"They've been here but also do school at home. They don't stay long and yeah they are bad news and you shouldn't worry about it. Come on before we be late." She said and I followed her to our next class.

Me and my brother were chilling by the car waiting for Justin.

"He should be here by now." Grayson said.

"Why do we have to do this again?" I asked.

"She's one of Jessica's friends and he has taken a liking in her so we have to. I don't like this more than you but we can't be rude." Grayson said.

I sighed, "So why doesn't he enroll himself. He'll be a senior like us. We are all the same age anyway. It's just one year he'll be able to see her all the time." I spat.

"The thing is I already graduated from this school." I turned to see Justin standing there with his arms crossed.

"Sneaking up on people will get you killed." I spat.

"Talking about your boss will get you killed." He resorted. I rolled my eyes.

"This is technically a free period but what do you want us to do?" Grayson asked.

"Keep an eye on her. Both of them. Talk to Jessica for me. We aren't on good terms at the moment." He said.

"Yeah, you almost killed her remember."

"Years ago. I'm over it. But that's not why."

"She knows he wants Ana." Grayson said. I sighed.

"Doesn't matter, make sure nothing happens to her. When it's time it's time." He said and walked away.

"What now?" Gray asked.

"Nothing, I guess we should go say hello." I said walking away and back into the school.

Hello kittens, so this is what I was originally planning for this chapter to go and I hope you like it. I want to build up the day she meets Justin and all that good stuff. Sorry for making the twins look bad as in hating the fact that they have to watch over her but hey my story I do what I want. I hope you guys like this version and please vote and comment! Thank you❤

Kitten [Rewriting]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें