
Once she had put Miyaka in her bed, she closed her door and heading to the front of the house. Hikara new that the village guards would be back now that he knew that she had her families curse. Not only that but, they would try and kill Miyaka. There was no way that Hikara was going to let them do that to the only child she had left, not as long as she's alive.

Hikara took a deep breath and put her hand in front of her so they formed an X. Her chakra flowed around her body and shot her arm out to the sides. Something pulsed out of her body and forming a giant barrier around her property, just as they showed up. They just stood there staring at her through the barrier, not able to go any further.

Glaring at them from her position, she turned on her heel heading into the house and slamming the front door, and leaning her back against it and sighing. She put it up just in time, they would have tried to kill the both of them otherwise.


Miyaka opened her eyes to see her ceiling. Sitting up rubbing her eyes, she wondered how she ended up in her room. The last thing she remembered was hitting the ground face-first in front of the village gates. Now she was in her room, and in her bed. Looking out of the small window, she saw the sun was pretty high in the sky still, so she has only been asleep for a couple of hours.

Hopping out of bed, she walked out of her room and into the kitchen. Grabbing an apple and walking into the living area, she noticed something in the corner of her eye. Turning her head to where it was, her eyes widened and she ran over to the window with her teeth holding the apple in her mouth. She ran to the back of the house looking out the back door, still with the apple in her mouth.

There was a barrier around the whole house and both front and backyard. Then noticing that her mother was in the back setting something up behind the house, it was some kind of symbol. Miyaka headed in the direction towards her wanting to know what she was doing.

Once she got close enough Hikara turned around to face her daughter "don't step on the symbol, alright?" Miyaka just nodded watching her mother in curiosity and confusion. "What are you doing mom?" Hikara stopped turning around kneeling down to her height "I'll explain everything at dinner okay?"


Dinner was made, and Miyaka was sitting quietly waiting for her mother to explain why she had drawn a strange symbol in the middle of the backyard. Yesterday she was acting normally, and after she had woken up she has been strangely quiet. That wasn't the weirdest thing she had done today, earlier when Miyaka went into the living-room her mother was sitting in the middle of the floor chanting something out of a book and forming strange hand signs.

"Miyaka, do you remember any of your past before last year?" "uh...no?" she didn't really now what to say to such a strange question, "I thought so" completely confused carefully asked "why are you acting so strange today?" her mom sighed and a serious look was etched into her face.

"I sealed away from your memories from the last eight years, so you don't remember all the ninja training you had done." Miyaka's mouth fell open if it wasn't attached it would hit the table. "What!?" "You actually know how to do the ninja arts, specifically earth and the wind." "Y-y-you kept this from me? You know I wanted to be a ninja so badly!" tears were slowly filling up in her eyes "I'll explain the rest after we are finished eating and if you push I won't tell you anything. Miyaka sat back down not wanting to risk her mother not telling her anything.

Now that everything was put away, her mother sitting on the floor with Miyaka sitting across from her with her legs crossed. "Now. I want you to just listen, no interrupting me, understand?" nodding her head quickly she sat there as she started explaining. "Because of our family's powers, your father tried to get his hands on it after he found out. Since your sister Sumiko didn't inherit it, he took my blood forcefully and injected it in her. That turned into a disaster. She was fine at first but last year she went mad attacking the villagers, so your father took her and fled. No one knew where they went their whereabouts are still unknown."

You Stole My Bounty (Kakuzu Love Story) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now