Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Kakuzu, Miyaka, and Itachi had just arrived at the temple and stopped a safe distance from it before Miyaka pulled out the scroll that she had used when she first came the first time and unrolled it. She was just glad that Leader had it and not Kantou, or he would have tried to use Emi to read the strange language that only Akuma's eyes can read, and Emi's powers can translate it.

She looked down at the scroll and walked forward towards the temple, and right up to the steps.

Kakuzu eyes widened at her.  He was confused, wasn't she supposed to take it down, and not walk right through it.  It didn't even look like there was a barrier anymore.

She turned slightly and turned her head to face them looking at Kakuzu after she rolled up the scroll. "You coming or not?"

"I thought you had to take it down."  He asked his eyes stared at her in shock.

Miyaka smiled at him.  "It was taken down already.  What I did to the barrier last time, was taking it down.  It slowly withers the barrier's power away until it is gone completely.  It just takes a couple days to do so."

 "It was already down?  Why didn't you say anything?"

She turned so she was facing him completely.  "Oh, I'm sorry.  Next time I'll just walk out of a locked steel cell in a basement, and come and tell you right away."  Her voice was dripping with sarcasm, and her eyes were blank and cold.  "Another reason is because I also want to see what's inside here.  I'm not going to let you Akatsuki members have all the fun," she smiled at him.

Before he could answer she turned around, her hair following with her movement making it look like a red silk blanket cascading down her body.

The two followed her up the stairs until she stopped at a stone plank that was meant to be a door.  But the only thing that was visible was a hole in the middle the size of a soccer ball, and it had a bit of faded blue paint inside it.

Miyaka walked up to the hole and took out a kunai and looked through the top of the trees at the sun and her eyes started to glow green.  

She chanted a strange language and looked at the stone they were standing on.  A purple glowing symbol appeared beneath them, she cut her hand with the kunai and dipped her other fingers in it and drew symbols on the plank.  She put her hand in the hole then a trap door appeared where Kakuzu and Itachi were and the gravity increased pulling them inside it.  She jumped in after them.

They had slid down a tunnel until they dropped into a room underneath the temple.

Kakuzu looked up hearing sliding coming from above them, and Miyaka dropped down, and she landed in Kakuzu's arms.

Once she realized this, her head whipped in his direction her eyes wide with surprise then was replaced with a glare.  "What do you think you are doing, Kakuzu?"

"What does it look like?"  He couldn't keep the amusement out of his voice.

She forcefully pushed herself out of his arms, walking ahead of them to hide the blush that went from ear to ear.

Itachi and Kakuzu looked around at the large room that they had dropped into.  It was a large hallway with stone pillars on either side leading down it.  Each one seemed to have a strange symbol near the bottom of them.

There were torches along each pillar lighting up the hall to a door at the end.  They seemed to have been burning for quite some time, for inside of each torch there were ashes that looked like if they were touched they would disintegrate upon contact. 

Once they got to the double doors at the end of the hall, Itachi and Kakuzu pushed on either door forcing it open.  

What was waiting on the other side was unexpected.

The room was gone and just a black empty space.  There were floating platforms that moved back and forth from either wall.  The gap between each platform was too far to jump to make it across by jumping.

"Well, that was unexpected."  Itachi raised an eyebrow and looked at Miyaka which had an emotionless mask.

"I'm going to have to bring you two across one at a time." She looked at Itachi using only her eyes.

Kakuzu looked at her funny, "What?  The gap is too wide between the platforms to make it to the other side."

"Like I said, I will have to bring you across one at a time."  She crossed her arms.  "I'll use my portal jumping ability."

"Portal jumping?"

"I can jump through portals and teleport across long distances, but carrying someone will make it hard to go the whole distance, but I can separate it between the distance."  She moved her head side to side looking at the both of them, "so who's first?" 

"Kakuzu you go first." 

Miyaka nodded at Itachi grabbing Kakuzu's hand and jumped off the platform they were standing on.

An invisible portal appeared in front of them.  It looked like heat waves before them, and as they passed through it, they were on a platform, she jumped through another and was now two platforms away from the other side when something came at her from her left.  She threw Kakuzu through the last one and she saw him land on the ending platform safely.

She was suddenly attacked by an unknown force.  She was thrown off the platform at such a speed and the only thing she could do was teleport herself on one of the platforms near Itachi just to be safe.

Looking in front of her she saw two strange-looking creatures.  They had black skin pointy faces and two horns that looked like ears flat against their heads and went back a bit, their tails were long and the ends looked like the spike on a spear, their large feet had giant claws sticking out of each toe.

She looked them carefully and their slit eyes stared back at her.

'Well, shit.  This fucking temple has guardians.' 

You Stole My Bounty (Kakuzu Love Story) Book #1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt