Thank You, Mommy

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Summer's POV

She looked at me with a fondness that I had never known before. She nuzzled her face into my neck and mumbled.

"Can I kiss you?" I smiled, glancing down at her lips. They looked so soft...

"I don't know, can you?" She pulls back and rolls her eyes, bringing her hand up to my face. She leans in, and I feel my heart have a seizure.

Her lips finally touch mine, and my eyes flutter shut. Her lips are as soft as I had thought, but still had a rough hunger to them. They sent shocks through me, and I craved so much more. She started to pull back, which caused me to whimper. She placed a few small, soft kisses onto my lips, a goofy smile on her face.

I took a second to gather myself, my lungs confused as to whether I had actually ran a marathon or not. I leaned my forehead against hers, a smile on my lips.

" definitely can..." She throws her head back with a laugh, making me feel lucky.

"Come here." I furrow my brows, looking between us.

"Jade, I'm literally right by you." She sticks out her bottom lip, trying to do puppy eyes.

It doesn't work.

"Please, baby?" I roll my eyes, feeling myself get all giddy inside.

"Well I can't sit on your lap if you're sitting all crazy!" She lays back, her legs on either side of me. I crawl in between her legs, and then crawl onto her. I lay down on her chest, and sigh in content as her arms wrap around my back. She makes a noise of satisfaction.

"I love this..." She slides her hands lower, and cups my butt. "And this..." I giggle, wiggling around underneath her hands.

"Jade, that tickles!" She doesn't stop but instead squeezes it roughly. I gasp at this, my face burying into her chest.

"What about this? Does that tickle?" I breathe out heavily when she starts to rub my back with one hand, and squeezing my butt with the other.

"J-jade, I - Jade!" I whine as she presses me further into her, and I feel a bulge pressing against me from inside her pants.

"God, Summer..." Her hips press further into me, making me moan softly. "You like that? Hmm?" Her hips thrust up again, and it rubs against my nether regions. I grab onto her shoulders, and nod my head.

"Yes, God Jade...It feels so good..." She groans and squeezes my ass, hard. I moan out a little louder, and in result her hips thrust up repeatedly.

"F-fucking hell..." She then let out a loud, breathy moan. Her hips dropped and I sat up onto her lap.

"What just..." Her face was bright red.

"Baby...I've gotta get up and take a shower..." I pouted.

"Right now?" She covers her face. She speaks, but all I hear is mumbles. "I can't understand you." She lifts her face.

"I just came...I need to wash up..." I feel my eyes widen.

"But we didn't even...I didn't even..." She covers her face in embarrassment.

"I know! just made such HOT noises and you were all pressed up against me..." I hid my face.

"I didn't even get to see it happen!" She raises a brow.

"What do you mean, gorgeous?" She looks up at me from under her long lashes, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"I've never seen it happen...and I had a feeling it'd look so good when you do. But I MISSED it!" She laughs, getting up. I scooch off and let her get up from the couch.

"Baby, there will be plenty of chances to see it happen. When we're ready of course." I shrug my shoulders.

"But, but I AM! We even just had a moment on this couch! Please?" She rolls her eyes.

"We will eventually, okay?" I nod, but pout nevertheless, shifting around on the couch. Her body disappears into her room and I light up.

"Can I join!?" I hear a loud laugh. She peeks her head out of the room.

"Baby, we just started dating today. Let's wait a bit." I groan, flopping onto the floor.

"But I don't want toooo..." She disappears back into the room.

"Too baaaad." I get up and walk into her room, then plop myself on her bed.

" many people have sex even when they aren't dating! And Kelsea lost her virginity at 16! Pleaaase." She looks at me in disapproval. Uh oh.

"Summer, what did I say?" I whine, stomping my feet.

"But I'm an adult too! It's my body and I know what I want..." She steps forward, her hand bringing my chin up to look at her.

"If you don't want me to spank your ass until you can't walk, I suggest you stop there, little girl." I cross my legs, squeezing them together. I can feel myself falling into submission.

"I'm sorry...I just want to be as close to you as possible, Mommy..." Her eyes soften and she places a kiss on my nose.

"Angel, I don't want to have sex with you just because you don't want to be a virgin anymore, or because we're both horny. Our first time is going to be as perfect as I can get it, and I'm going to make love to you until the sun comes up." I blush, leaning my head into her neck.

"But I feel like we're not close enough..." She kisses the top of my head and rubs my back.

"Okay, well how about this..." I look up at her, waiting on her explanation. "Why don't I go take a quick shower while you set up the TV for any movie you want. When I come out, we'll change into PJs and cuddle up to watch the movie. When the movie is over, we can play 20 questions. Sound good?" I nod my head and kiss her cheek.

"Mommy?" She hums in question and I point to her dresser. "Can I wear your PJs again?" She clears her throat to speak.

"Didn't you bring your own?" I shyly nod.

"Yeah...but yours make me feel better." She kisses my nose again.

"What do you say?" I think for a moment.

"Please?" She nods, getting up and grabbing an outfit for me.

"Yes, Baby. Here you go." I squeal and throw my arms around her waist.

"Thank you, Mommy.”

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