"Clay's about somewhere if you wanna go say hi to him, sweetheart." Gemma said wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"If it's alright with you Gem, I'm gonna go take a shower and change. I feel and look like fuckin' road kill." Thats what driving for hours upon hours in extreme heat does to a girl, especially in a car that's got no air con.

"Course, baby. Just head up to Jax's dorm." With a smile, she sent Harley on her way and stood with Chibs and Tig as they watched her retreat into the club house.

"You kept that one a secret Gem." Chibs finally said as the door swung closed.

"Tell me about it. Jax is gonna flip when he finds out she's here." The brunette pushed her sunglasses back up into her hair and sighed.

"Good flip, or bad flip?" Asked Tig, as they all headed towards the inside.

"I got no fucking idea Trager."


Jackson pulled into the garage parking lot, despite it coming close to dinner time, the sun was still high in the sky. Taking off his helmet and hanging it on his bike, his sunglasses followed suit, stashing them inside the upside hard hat and standing up with a stretch.

Abel had been okay, still stashed inside the plastic incubator but he had been improving and that was the only thing that mattered. Although Jax was still apprehensive about going, he was glad his Mom was giving him the push he needed, finally stepping up to the plate. As for Wendy, he couldn't give a shit about her, and he promised he'd fight for full custody.

Exhausted, he headed inside the club house, only greeting those who greeted him on the way. He wanted nothing more than to lay down and take a nap, and ignore the shit that was going on with the club at the minute. All that could come later.

"Hey, Jax!" Half-sack yelled, chasing after the taller man.

"Waddya' want?" He mumbled in reply, legs still carrying him towards his room whilst Half-sack chased him.

"Uh, how was uh, how was your day?"

Jax stopped his movements, turning round to face the prospect with a weird look on his face. Kip smiled awkwardly, trying to avoid eye contact with the Son. "The fuck is wrong with you?" Jackson asked. "Are you high or something?"

"No! No, I uh..." Kip quickly tried to think of a quick answer. The truth was Gemma had made him swear he wouldn't let Jax go up to his room, threatening him with toilet duty for a month if he did so. He didn't usually ask questions, but he was mighty sure it had something to do with that girl, Harley, who had been around earlier. "Just wanted to know how your day was?"

Jackson scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Get out of here, Half-sack." He turned and began walked away once more, but not before shouting over his shoulder. "And stop being fucking weird."

Kip sighed, knowing that Gemma was gonna beat his ass when she found out. However, he ultimately and quickly concluded that he would rather face Gemma's wrath than Jackson's anger, and scurried back towards the garage to find her.

Jax quickly shook Kip's weird behaviour out of his mind, claiming to himself that the kid must either be coming down with something, or one of the other prospects had put him up to some shitty dare that he had failed massively. He let out a breath when he reached his dorm, one he hadn't realised he had been holding in and turned the handle to open the door - only to find the bastard thing locked.

"What the fuck?" He muttered to himself, jingling the handle once more, and then again but a bit more aggressively.

He had never, not once in his time of owning that room, locked that door. Mainly because he was too drunk to care when he fell into his bed, and mostly because he had no idea where the key for it was. Did this have something to do with Half-sack's dare? Perhaps they'd done something to his room? If so, those prospects where gonna get the biggest ass-whooping of a life time when he got his hands on them. Nobody touched the VP's stuff, especially not a fucking prospect. He attempted the door handle again and when the fucker still didn't open he began to bang on the door.

"Hey!" He shouted through the wood. "Hey! Whoever the fuck is in there you better prey I don't get my fucking hands on you coz' I'm gonna ring your fucking neck! You're gonna wish-"

There where few times when Jax Teller had been rendered speechless in his life. He was the Prince of Charming town and rightly so with his good looks and, for the lack of a better word, charming persona. He always knew what to do and what to say, but when Harley Grace Tucker yanked open the door, stood in his room in nothing put a T-shirt and a thong, he lost all ability to speak.

The two stood on either side of the threshold looking at one another for sometime. Of course, they had both changed since the last time they had each laid eyes on each other, but not enough to forget what they each looked like. It was Harley who spoke first, as Jax continued to gape like a gold fish.

"Lookin' good, Teller."

The old phrase that she used to greet him with seemed to do the trick, and he snapped out of his gaze instantly. Jackson's jaw clenched shut tightly and he narrowed his eyes at the female in front of him. Like a wolf narrowing in on his prey, he took steps forward, and for each one he made she took a step back. It wasn't until they where both in his room, that he reached behind him and slammed the door before turning to the blonde in front of him.

"You owe me one hell of an explanation."

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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