Chapter 10

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Pharm smirks after hearing what Dej told him. It seems like Fate is making his job easier for him. Dej just left to stop the sale of his shares in Wongnate enterprise.
Pharm leaves his house and boards a taxi to Nirvana. He arrives at Nirvana but doesn't enter. He sees through the glass and sees King and Joy serving food to the customers. He turns around and sees another restaurant a little far from Nirvana. He walks closer to the restaurant. He sees Pink Cafe written on the wall beside it. He enters the pink coloured cafe and takes a seat near the wall. A waiter comes to Pharm handing him a black colored menu. Pharm opens it seeing the delicacies written. He chooses the pink milk and a short cake. After eating it, he calls for the chef.
"Are you the one who prepared this?" Pharm asks a young man with short black hair.
"Yes, did you like it?"
"Yes it is delicious but I noticed you don't seem to have lots of customers." Pharm notices just one person sitting far from him having a strawberry cake.
The chef's lips curve downward. "I'm certainly not trying to hate but everybody loves Nirvana. When I started Pink Cafe, I tried not to sell the same stuff as Nirvana so I could also get customers but it seems it isn't working."
Pharm nods understanding his view. "How would you like it if I invested here?"
The young man gasps in shock not knowing what to say.
"Don't worry the name will still be yours. I just want to add some new foods in your menu." Pharm smiles.
"I don't know what to say."  The man tries to find the right words. "Yes I would love that. I'm Sun by the way."
"And I'm Pharm. I will send my lawyer to give you the contract so you can read it." Pharm stands up. He hand shakes Sun and leaves the restaurant. He stops, glaring at Nirvana.
"Your downfall has already started Dean."
       Pharm gets home that day and contacts Dej about investing in Pink Cafe which Dej doesn't question about. Later, he will tell Dej about all this when everything is almost settled.

After the reception of the wedding, Dean goes upstairs to his room to shower and sleep because the day was really stressful. Giffy enters the room a moment later dressed in a long thin white gown. Dean enters the bathroom and showers, he comes out with a towel around his waist and his hair wet. He sees Giffy seated on the bed. He goes and sit beside her giving a little distance between themselves.
"Why did you agree to marry me?" Dean asks her.
"I.. really like you Dean."
"But you know my heart belongs to someone else." Dean clenches his fist thinking of the painful memory.
"I'm sorry to say this but that someone else is gone. You should learn to move on. I know that's what Pharm would want." Giffy says looking at her newly married husband sadly.
"I'm sorry if this marriage won't be like how you dreamt it would be." Dean rubs his hair with the other towel on his shoulders.
"But why did you agree to marry me?" Giffy looks at her husband go to the wardrobe to choose his pyjamas.
"I thought it would help heal my pain."
       Pharm has gotten some money from his shares in Wongnate Enterprise which he invested quickly in Pink Cafe. He decided to add Luem  Kluen to the menu in Pink cafe. It could be eaten as a desert after the main dish ordered. He also added the fried rice with omelette dish in the menu knowing that neither Team nor Manow could not prepare it like him. He also added some new juices and cakes in the menu of Pink Cafe. He made sure to teach Sun and his assistant, Mork, how to prepare the dishes just incase he isn't around. It isn't long before customers start storming Pink Cafe mostly ordering the Luem Kluen. It is like a fierce battle between Nirvana and Pink Cafe. But in the end, Pink Cafe stole most of the customers.

     Win looks at the sudden crowd at Pink Cafe.
"How did Pink Cafe suddenly become famous?" Win asks looking at the restaurant through the glass.
"I heard they are famous for a particular dish, Luen Kluen." Manow says. "Here, I bought some a while back." 
Win turns and sees Manow eating a star shaped food with different colours. He takes one of it and chews on it slowly.
"It's delicious, I will give them that." Win nods. "But if we don't come up with something that can counter this, we are at high risk."
"Yeah, most people loved Pharm's fried rice with omelette dish. Though we tried to create it, the customers didn't like it." Manow says sadly remembering the fond memories she had with Pharm.
"Yeah, but Pharm is gone and we have to do something about this." Win says trying to think of a way. "I will call Dean and tell him of this so that a solution is created fast.".

         Pharm is at home getting his suit ready for the meeting that Dean set in Wongnate enterprise about the fierce competitor Nirvana is having with Pink Cafe. Pharm isn't only talented in cooking but he learnt a lot in Economics through his dad. Most of the books his dad bought were about "business strategy" which he read a lot.
       His phone begins ringing. He looks at the screen and sees Sun calling. He quickly picks it.
"Hello." Pharm greets as soon as the phone reaches his ear.
"Hi Pharm." Sun greets back. Pharm could literary feel the happiness in Sun's voice. "The business is booming more than we expected and it's all thanks you."
"I'm happy to hear that but it all thanks to our combined effort that we made it this far."
"When will you be coming?" Sun asks.
"Uhm..." Pharm thinks for a moment. "Tomorrow, in the afternoon I will be there."
"Ok... see you then." Sun says. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." Pharm cuts the call and drops his phone on his bed.

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