Chapter 4

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Nirvana's door opens and Alex walks in. He takes a seat near the window of the restaurant. King, the waiter walks towards the man wearing a dark shade glasses. He hands the man their menu book.
"Welcome to Nirvana. What would you have?" King asks politely while maintaining a smiling face.
Alex opens the book looking at the foods written. After some seconds, he chooses fried rice with omelette. Alex pays with his credit card to King.
   King goes to kitchen and tells Pharm about the order which he starts preparing immediately. After 10 minutes, the fried rice with omelette is ready. King comes and takes the plate of food to Alex.
    Alex takes a spoon of the rice immediately the seasoning and spices hit his taste buds. He takes a bite of the omelette and the same thing happens. After eating, he calls King.
"Could you take me to the chef that prepared this food?"
"Of course sir. I will call the chef. Please give me a minute." King leaves and comes back with Pharm.
Alex removes his dark shade glasses earning gasps from King and Pharm.
"And we meet again." Alex smirks
"P'Alex, what are you doing here?"
"As you can see I came to eat. The food was so delicious that I asked to see the chef."
Pharm blushes a little at the compliment.
"Thank you P'Alex." Pharm smiles revealing his set of pearl white teeth.
"Alex??" Win calls from the balcony upstairs. He immediately rushes downstairs to where the gang is. " it's an honor to have you in Nirvana."
"The honor is all mine but we have this young man here to thank for this." Alex points to Pharm.
"Pharm? How?" Win looks at Pharm then Alex.
"He saved me from a gang of fans running after me. It may sound funny but it was scary. He stayed with me till they left."
Win remembers when Pharm stayed outside for long. Then he looks at Pharm apologetically who is looking downward.
"By the way, the food here is amazing. I will come next time."
"Thank you Alex." Win smiles.
Alex is about to leave but he stops.
"If it's okay with you, may I take a picture here?"
Pharm's eyes widen in shock knowing what this means. All his fans would storm the restaurant.
"Of course." Win says.
"Please join in as well."
Alex brings out his IPhone from his pocket. King, Win and Pharm surround Alex when he takes the picture.
"I will be leaving now." Alex leaves the restaurant. He posts the picture on Instagram making sure to tag the restaurant with its location.

         Pharm is stopped by Win when he is about to go back to the kitchen.
"Pharm, why didn't you tell me about Alex the other day?" Win's eyeslids shrinks a little.
"Uhm.. P'Win, I tried to explain but you seemed really angry so I decided not to talk about it." Pharm looks downward when talking.
"I know you must have been shocked by my outburst. I'm sorry."
Win places his hand on Pharm's shoulder.
Pharm gasps. "No P'. It's okay I understand. It was just a misunderstanding." Pharm says feeling guilty that a senior is apologising to him.
Win goes upstairs to his office.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Pharm and the two waiters rush into the kitchen with haste.
"What's wrong? Is everyone alright?" King asks.
"Alex was here." Manow shows the picture taken by Alex to everyone. "He was right here but I still missed him. Pharm, how come you didn't call me?" Manow marches towards Pharm.
"It also came as a shock to me. I didn't know how to respond. But don't worry he said that he will be here again." Pharm smiles.
"Really? Don't forget to call me even if you have to drag my hair." Manow giggles.
  They hear the door open with numerous footsteps walking inside. King and Joy, the waiter and waitress rush back to the counter. After some minutes, King comes back.
"It seems like Alex's fans are already storming here. They ordered 10 plates of fried rice with omelette. They want what Alex ate." King says.
"Manow, Team. I'm going to need your help. Ten plates are too much for me." Pharm puts his palms together forming a waai.
"Of course. We are all friends." Team says smiling.
They begin preparing the food. Manow is in charge of slicing the vegetables. Team is whisking the egg. Pharm is seasoning and spicing the food.
      After 15 minutes, ten plates of fried rice with omelette is ready and served. Before eating the foods, the fans take several pictures of the food emitting with hot steam. Then they dive in. After eating, they compliment the food and pay. They further share the picture of the food and location in their various social medias. Many more customers came ordering various foods.
         Fifteen minutes to close but the restaurant was still jam packed with customers and Win decided to prolong the time to extra thirty minutes making the customers extra happy. After thirty minutes the customers had already left.
Win calls the workers to the counter.
"I want to thank you all for the hard work today. I know it must have been stressful but more customers means more profit and we have Alex to thank for this." Win looks at Pharm for a moment. "Always respect everybody because we never know tomorrow and how that person can help us. You can all go home. We are closed for the day."

     Pharm leaves the restaurant so exhausted. He felt this tired when he was in college so its been long since since his body adjusted to not being stressed out. He stops at the supermarket to get some snacks to eat. He feels like eating something sweet. He takes the trolley from the door and walks around picking various biscuits and chocolates. He reaches a shelf where it's remaining one snicker but it's on top. He tries stretching himself to reach it but he couldn't get hold of it.
"Do you need help with that?" A deep masculine voice says close to Pharm. It sends shivers down his spine. He turns around and sees a tanned tall muscular man dressed in suit.
   Pharm feels his heart beat accelerate. He looks into the man's eyes and he feels pain in his heart.
"I Love You, In." Pharm hears the same voice in his head. He feels tears dropping from his eyes.
"In.." Pharm looks up at the tanned man but couldn't see him clearly due to the tears blocking his view. He blinks and sees the man closer to his face. He feels the man fingers wiping the tears from his cheeks.
"I have finally found you." The man says then he hugs Pharm curling his arms around the short man's slim waist.
"I Love You Too, Korn." Pharm hears a less masculine voice say in his head then he faints.

   I'm sorry for taking so much time in updating. I hope you're enjoying the story. I will upload extra two chapters this week. 😁😁. Please if there are any mistakes, tell me. Thank you

When Shall We meet AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora