Chapter 1- Arlee

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(^^Arlee in wolf form)
The bright moon shined down on me like a torch as I creeped through the silent woods. I sniffed the air, my large ears perked . I could smell the smoky musky scent of my pure white fur and him. What was he doing out here this late? I crouched in a nearby shrub as I heard the dry sticks that are the forest bed.

He was humming a quiet melody to himself as I moved to get a better look at him. His beautiful blue flickered around the woods as he continued down the small deer trail he was going

I followed him as silent as a mouse. A long sleek rifle was slung over his broad shoulder. Hunting, he must be hunting. But for what?

I was sure to keep out of sight, as I trailed behind him. A cap was pushed over his smooth brown hair, that I had ruffled today at lunch, and his fingers thrummed his thigh.

Suddenly I heard another pair of feet rushing through the forest. They were rushed and hurried.

"Donovan!" A boy yelled coming into my view. He also had brown hair and blue eyes but he was much shorter that Donovan. Donny's hand shot straight to the gun as he spun around, his features hard. They softened when he recognised who it was.

"Mali, what are you doing here?" He questioned, his low voice echoing through my body.

"Nothing, I just came around to your house like we agreed earlier at school?" Mali said as Donny winced, remembering the deal he had made.

"But your step-brother told me you had gone out looking for that she-wolf you desire so much."

"I don't desire her..." Donny mumbled, his face turning a bright pink.

Mali laughed, "Sure"

I inched a little closer as I knew that they were talking about me. On special occasions I let Donovan spot me in the woods while he goes out hunting or walking. Sometimes we would spend ages just looking into each other's eyes, until he remembers that he needs to head back or I realise the time.

"Anyway," Mali continued. "I rode my bike down."

"It's nighttime"

"Yep, do you know how hard it is to ride in the dark with out a torch?" Mali smirked as he crushed a small flower under his boot.

"I can imagine." Donovan said as he looked out at the woods around him. His eyes flicked over my hiding spot and a part of me wanted him to see me while another wanted me to run as fast and far away as possible. That was probably the wolf instincts kicking in.

The boys were quiet for a moment.
"Sooooo..." Donny said awkwardly. "Do you want to head back now?"

Mali nodded and with one last glance around the forest, Donovan followed Mali away from my shrub towards his house.

I puffed out a breath and watched, mesmerised, as a little cloud emerged from my snout. It must be freezing for a human, I can't feel it. I can thank my warm fur coat for that. That, and the fact that I just don't feel the temperature.

When I couldn't hear the boys feet crashing through the forest or smell their bad BO, I stretched out my sleek body. My ears twitched as I heard my pack start to howl.

I gently tip my head back and let a beautiful low howl rip through me.


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