The transformation

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Rosa's pov: We got off the boats and headed to our rooms. We had to look at this paper to see who we got roomed with. I checked and relief washes over me, thank god I got roomed with Audrey!! And who else oh, Ella, well she seems okay but she is very quite. I ran up to Audrey.

Rosa:Guess what?
Rosa:We got the same room together!!!
Audrey:Omg really?!
Rosa:Yah and also Ella got roomed with us
Audrey:Oh not too bad

I smiled at Audrey and we walked up to our rooms on the island. We walked into the cabin and it wasn't so bad. There was a cozy lounge room, and the bathroom wasn't so bad, also the bedrooms was pretty big, there were 3 beds in them and there were some storage area. I settled in and sat in the lounge room.

Audrey:I am starvinggg want to go see what's for lunch?
Rosa: Sure!
Audrey:I think we should invite Ella...
Audrey:I don't know I feel bad, let's just invite her
Rosa:Okay fineee

We walked into the bedroom where Ella was situating her suitcase. She looked up at us.

Audrey:Um I was thinking you wanted to go down in the dining hall to see if lunch was ready?
Ella:Oh um sure, I guess let me just grab my phone

Ella grabbed her phone. We headed down to the dining hall where they started to give out lunch, it was either a salad with a fruit cup or a pizza. I decided to go with the salad and Audrey and Ella got the pizza. As we sat down with our food Mathew sat down right next to us.

Audrey: *smiles* Hi Mathew!!
Mathew:Hey Audrey he Rosa, oh whos she?
Rosa:This is Ella
Mathew:Oh does she hang out with you guys
Audrey:Um..well we decided to get lunch because we were hungry...
Mathew:Oh okay so Audrey I was thinking that you wanted to come and swim with us at the beach later with my friends, you can bring Rosa and Ella too!
Audrey:Oh um well I'll see and I'll tell you later if I'm coming or not
Mathew:Alright see you guys later hopefully
And then Mathew leaves to his friends
Ella:Okay I'm no people's person but he definitely likes you
Audrey:Do you think so?
Rosa:I'm going to have to agree with Ella's he's totally into you!!
Audrey:I might make a move you know
Rosa:For sure
Audrey:Maybe I can help you guys get a boyfriend
We all laughed over that and Ella seemed to be getting more comfortable with us which is pretty cool.

*2 hours later*

Ella's pov: I sat up on my bed and looked at Audrey.
Ella:So are we going to go?
Audrey:I don't know...
Rosa:Oh come on everyone in this school knows you like each other, just you know make the move.
Audrey: Alright I'll text him right now

Audrey goes on her phone and starts texting him.

Rosa:Hey Ella?
Rosa:Can we give each other fashion advice on what swimsuits to wear
Ella:Yeah for sure, were trying to get boyfriends remember
Me and Rosa giggle. We head over to the closet and showed each other swimsuits. They're not so bad to hang around with and I feel like we could all be friends. Audrey came and decided to tag along. We finally chose our swimsuits and we changed into them.

Audrey's swimsuit

Audrey's swimsuit

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