Always my first priority

Mulai dari awal

Wait a minute how- how did she know Sean was supposed to come over? I didn't tell her.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and didn't even bother getting out of my burrito position and make myself presentable. If it's Sean, he's seen worse. The door opened and came in Sean with his beanie on top.

He grinned at me. I didn't.

I was upset and he was going to know it.

"Hey stranger!" Sean said, smiling as he walked upto my bed.

"I'm the stranger now?" I said, my face expressionless.

His grin dropped. "Kayc..... what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. Why would anything be wrong? Everything is wonderful." I said gritting my teeth and buried myself deep in my blanket burrito.

" weren't kidding when you said you would be grumpy and moody."

That made me bolt up and my skin red.

"Well I was in a good mood when I woke up until you cancelled the plan and then decided to show up again. God! Sean if you don't want to hangout with me, it's okay. I'm not forcing you. You can hangout with other people. You should've hung out with Tate. Why are you here?"

His eyes went wide with each word passing from my mouth. At the end of my rant, his eyes were the size tennis balls and he low-key looked like Dobby. Then suddenly his face became emotionless.

"You think I don't want to hangout with you?"

"What else am I supposed to think?"

"What made you think that?" His cold monotone voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Well you cancelled our plans last minute and at first I thought Miya had asked you to. Then I saw your photos with Tate." Emotion filled my throat and I couldn't continue.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I crying over this?


My throat had a huge lump and tears were on the brim of my eyelids. I took a minute's silence and refused to look at Sean. Within that minute Sean's eyes softened and he came and sat on the bed near me.

"Kayc." He whispered softly. I refused to look at him because I  knew if I looked at him, there would be no stoppage to my tears. He touched my chin with his fingers and slowly turned my face towards him to meet his eyes.

"Tell me why did you think that?"

At this I burst into tears and wrapped my arms around his neck, nuzzling my head in between the place where his head meets his shoulders. His tense body relaxed and he slowly wrapped one arm on my back and one arm was around my head.

My favourite kind of hug.

He started ruffling my hair and rested his cheek on my head. My tears did not stop their flow even though I was whisper screaming at them to stop flowing, in my head. He started swaying us side to side while singing weird songs to make me laugh.

After a while when my sobs had subsided, he backed away a bit to look at my face but his arms remained secure. He raised his eyebrows waiting for me to answer his question.

Seeing the concern in his eyes, I couldn't help but blabber all my insecurities and doubts. He somehow always manages to squeeze out every secret.

"It's just that no one really wants to hang out with me you know. I feel like I'm a boring and grumpy person to be with and that is why hardly anyone called or texted me since I got injured. Only my fans are the ones who are sending me well wishes all the time. And when you cancelled our plan to hang out with Tate I felt as though even you thought the same way and that scared me. As if I would have no one left."

I blabbered all of this in one breath, without meeting his eyes. But when he didn't say anything, I looked up and saw him smiling down at me with soft eyes. That irritated the hell out of me and I punched him in the chest which caused him to break away from me, rubbing the area I hit. Even though i missed his warmth, I turned over to the other side almost about to go back into my hibernation mode in my blanket burrito when I felt his arms encircle me around my waist.

My skin suddenly felt warm or it was just the blood rushing to my face. It's not that we haven't been in that position. We've been there plenty of times in rehearsals and while playing around. But never in private. Never when we are alone.

But Sean seemed unfazed. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulled me close to his chest and when I didn't react, rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Oh Kaycee Caitlin Rice, this is unacceptable."

I raised my eyebrows at him. He didn't notice.

"You preach that we should never doubt our worth and here you are doing the same. Kayc you are more than just my best friend."

The room suddenly got ten times hotter and my face was boiling red.

"You're my lucky charm. You've been the reason I am where I am right now. If I ever even try to ditch you, you are more than welcome to smash my head in between doors. That is if I don't kill myself first. Kaycee you have a light inside you and I promised to keep that on, remember? Your light not only lights up your path in life, it lights up my entire world. I wouldn't wanna survive without my light, would I? No one knows or understands me better than you do Kayc. Never forget that. Even if I hangout with anyone else, you are number one. Always have been. Always will be. Your smile makes rainbows. Why would I leave that? I'm not that dumb."

By now a huge lump had formed in my throat and my eyes were brimming with tears. I removed his hands from my waist and turned to face him. His eyes suddenly seemed scared since I removed his hands and doubt reflected  in his eyes.  

But that disappeared when I buried my face in his chest and tears started streaming down my face. He wrapped his arms around me and squished my body against him, swaying to and fro while smiling broadly.

"Are you crying again?"

"No I'm not. It's just hormones. Stupid periods."

He laughed and the laugh rumbled in my ears, making me smile.

A few minute had passed - or maybe an hour - I don't know but neither of  us really wanted to let go. We rocked to and fro while holding each other tightly. This was probably the longest we've ever hugged. The last record was when he came back from China after my birthday and I jumped on him whispering 'thank you's for his birthday present for me.

Finally we broke apart and for the rest of my day I was very unusually giggly. Somehow he knew understood my frustration of not being able to dance and hence he made an entire dance choreography while sitting.

When finally he had to leave, I ran upto him, well more like hopped on my crutches, and hugged him again. I'm not a very hug-ey person but that day I was ecstatic and the consequences were my next actions.

I stood on my toes and placed my lips on his cheeks.

That was the first time I ever initiated that.

And let's just say Sean walked out of the house grinning so much that Kylie was debating whether to call the mental asylum or not.

Hey guys I'm back. Hehehe

Also I'm bored out of my mind.

P.s I have absolutely nothing against Tate just so you know. I actually love her songs. Tear myself apart, Dear parents and Stupid are my personal favourites.

P.p.s Please help in making a teenage -boredoutofhermind-girl smile because of your comments.

Stay safe everyone😷

Bye..... I love y'all 💜💜💜

Sean and Kaycee || OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang