"...I'm not sure—"

"He cuts their heads off, discards their bodies, and eats—"

"Nope!!! Lalalalalala—" Ivory shrieked on the other end.

Spencer laughed, grinning uncontrollably at the ground. "You'd be hilarious watching a scary movie with."

"And you'd be so lame watching a scary movie with." She shot back.

"...my place when I get back?" Spencer asked, his voice slightly hesitant. He was still nervous that she would somehow reject him, even after they're time last night. "Unless you're busy, of course."

There was a small pause, and Spencer's hands began to sweat nervously. "I'm not busy. How about...I pick you up when you get back?" Ivory finally answered, making his heart skip a beat.

"What? So you can show off your BMW to my coworkers?" Spencer teased.

"No, so I can show off myself." Ivory said in a cocky tone.

"Why would you need to show yourself off to my coworkers?" He asked her with a smirk.

"Just so they know." She cooed, and he rolled his eyes, grinning uncontrollably.


"Me. You." Ivory said shamelessly, and he could hear her obnoxiously yawn as well, like it was no big deal at all.

Somehow, that just made him happier. That she just assumed that they were a thing now, not beating around the bush.

"Okay." Spencer said sheepishly, a blush growing on his cheeks. "I'll let you know when I'm heading back."

"Good. 'Cause day one is already boring." She mumbled.

"Do you have any clients tonight?" He asked her.

"...yeah." Ivory said, but her voice was distant. Spencer shifted on one foot from another, sensing her discomfort and feeling his own heart wrench.

"Just text me when you're home." Spencer said softly. "So I know you're safe."

"I will." She replied. "I'll leave you to whatever you need to do." Ivory muttered.

"Yes ma'am." He said with a small smile. "See you soon. Stay safe, please."

"I will." Ivory replied.

"Bye, gorgeous." Spencer said, a little too casually. Ivory giggled on the other end, ending the call and tossing her phone on the couch. She let out a dreamy sigh, slumping down the couch, smiling at absolutely nothing. Ivory felt like a high-schooler all over again—all giddy with these emotions.

But as quickly as her mind travelled to those places, ones where she could see a future with Spencer—Ivory immediately flew back to reality, remember who she was and what she was doing tonight.

Everything could be perfect for us, if it wasn't for me, she thought to herself. Ivory knew Spencer didn't have to keep up with her escorting bullshit—he didn't need to keep sticking around like it didn't bother him, because she knew it did. It would bother her, if he was a sex worker.

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