Artemis Solar

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Name: Artemis Solar

Age: 14 to 17 (depending on the time period)

Gender: Female, though she doesn't mind using masculine or gender-neutral pronouns

Sexuality: Bisexual (she'll date anyone, however. She would identify as pan, but it's too confusing to explain sometimes so she identifies as bi)

Type of Gem: Moonstone

Gem Location: Chest

Crush: Steven

Fear: Dying, being alone, being lied to

Best Friend: Besides Steven, it would be Connie and Amethyst

Weapon: Her mother gave her a bow that always had limitless arrows she could just pluck from the air.

Looks: Artemis is a little shorter than Steven (she gets it from her dad) and has a fit build. Her skin is very pale, but she never uses sunscreen. Her eyes are the strangest part about her because they always seem to be changing colors.

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Personality: Artemis is usually a happy, fun girl

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Personality: Artemis is usually a happy, fun girl. She's a lot like Amethyst and always up for an adventure, especially with the Gems. But she's also willing to learn with Connie and practice what she loves to do most: painting. However, though she may seem very approachable and fun, she sometimes gets very sad and aloof. It's because she struggles with depression, and while she does take medication for it, some days it hits harder than most.

Backstory: She's a half-gem like Steven. Her mother was part of the Rebellion, but she didn't stay with the Crystal Gems. She traveled to Canada and stayed up in the mountains in a small town. One day, she met a man named Liam. They fell in love and had Artemis. Just like Rose Quartz, Moonstone became Artemis. Artemis and her father stayed in Canada, traveling since her father was an artist. They always hiked and were out in the woods, so Artemis got to truly appreciate the vastness of the stars and space. She didn't really know she was a Crystal Gem since her mother requested her father not to tell her. She only found out when they had to move to Beach City for her dad's job. Artemis was eleven and explored during the summer. There she found out about Steven and the Crystal Gems. They caught her sneaking around and asked her who she was. She told them and kept messing with the collar of her shirt. That was how they found her gem, a rhombus moonstone placed just below the center of her clavicle. She told them it was just a weird birthmark according to her dad, but the Gems spent the night telling her exactly what and who she was. She got angry and yelled at her dad for lying to her the next day and spent a while at Steven's. They became close friends and hung out together a lot after that. The gems helped her learn about her past and helped her figure out her powers.

Powers: She can summon her bow from her gem and can also see in the dark. She can breathe in space without a mask or any breathing apparatus. Sometimes, although very rarely and in dire circumstances, she can teleport. It's different than warping because she can travel anywhere she wants. She's working to get the hang of them with the Gems and Steven.

Other: Artemis is really into witch-y things like tarot cards and learning about haunting. She's also super into astrology and astronomy. Her father calls her a child of the moon, not only because of her name but because she's up very late and roaming around at night.

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