Apollo Lopez

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Name: Apollo Lopez

Nicknames: 'Pollo (sometimes, mostly by Hera)

Gender: Transman

Species: Human


Deviant?: Nope. He's human

Sexuality: Polysexual/Demisexual. This means that he's attracted to many genders, but not all. He also only attracts feelings for people he comes to know.

Personality: Apollo is quite different from his sister. He's smart but more sarcastic and wary. He holds more grudges and doesn't trust people as easily. He's also willing to kill for his friends, and sometimes people suspect he has. He's not a crackhead (not literally) like his sister, so he's more cool and collected. He hides his emotions much more and it takes quite a bit for him to open up.

Appearance: He's just as tall as Hera. He's got a birthmark on his neck that looks like a hickey.

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Likes: He likes reading real books (not the digital ones) and drawing

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Likes: He likes reading real books (not the digital ones) and drawing. He loves helping others and being useful in any way. He also likes being alone and in his apartment. He has a lot of plants and a cat, so he likes to be alone a lot and by himself. He doesn't mind being with his sister or his other friends, but sometimes it can be too much.

Dislikes: He has it out for homophobes and transphobes, pedophiles, and generally trashy people. He doesn't like driving since it gives him some anxiety. He also hates sketchy people and two-faced people.

Backstory: The same as Hera, basically. When he was a teenager, he started to transition to male and took testosterone. He got top-surgery in college and it made him feel a lot less dysphoric.

Crush: None, really. But if you want, we can make one up.

Other: He is a transmale and takes testosterone. He has a fear of needles, but it's gotten better since he took testosterone. He also is diagnosed with anxiety and ADHD, but very few people he knows has it since he's so calm all the time.

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