Navi groaned, twitching, trying to escape.

"Inferniis adversarii, omnis iegio, omnis congregato em secta diaboiica. Ergo, draco maiedicte ecciesiam tuam secri tibi facias Ilbertate servire," Em chanted.

"Wait," Maya blurted. She stopped. Navi was slumped over in the chair. "Can I hold her, just one last time?"

"Maya, I'm not sure about-"


Em sighed. "Yeah, ok."

Maya approached the demon that was wearing her friend's skin, and threw her arms around her. "I know you're not my Navi, but I just want to do this," she whispered.

"It's a shame," Navi said suddenly, revealing a hidden blade that she had up her sleeve, and stabbing it through her gut.

"No!" Em yelled. "Terogamus audi nos!"

Navi screamed, her entire body erupting into Hellfire. She disappeared, leaving Em and Maya alone. "Maya? Maya do you hear me?"

She groaned. "Please don't say I told you so."

"Yeah we're way past that." She looked at Maya's stomach, but it was a mess of blood. "Oh God."

"That bad, huh?" She coughed. "It's ok. I made peace with it."

"Yeah, well I didn't." She closed her eyes, applying pressure to her wound. Ok, you've seen Castiel do this on multiple occasions. You can do some of the stuff he can, so it stands to reason you can heal her too. She focused on her fear of Maya dying, and she tried to gather energy from within herself to heal her. A faint glow began to shine through her closed eyelids. She opened her eyes. Her hands were glowing, and she was healing Maya, her flesh was knitting back together, and she was actually almost finished with it.

Maya opened her eyes. "Wait, why aren't I dead?"

"Because you must have some sort of an angel watching over you."


When Ems phone rang she knew she was screwed. She realized just how screwed when it was Dean's number on the screen. She braced herself for a passive aggressive sassy lecture. "Hello?"

"Hey Em. Care to explain why Maya just called us and said you exorcised a demon?"

"I can explain but it'd probably be better in person."

"Where are you right now?"

"...a small town in Wisconsin..."


"Ok, my ears are actually ringing now. I didn't know that was a thing."

"How the hell did you get there?"

"I took a bus to somewhere in Pennsylvania, and I somehow warped the rest of the way."

"What the hell do you mean, warped?"

"Ya know, that thing that Cas does," she muttered embarrassedly.

" what you're telling me is you can do that now?"

"And heal people, yeah. I had a breakdown trying to process it."

"Well, we'll be there as soon as we can."

"Alright. Also, there may or may not be a few missing persons here. Town's called Green Lake."

"Alright, kiddo. We'll be there soon enough."


Dean was driving, Cas was in the passenger seat as Sammy was asleep in the back.

"Dean, why did you leave Emmeline back in New York?"

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