Kiki used to be so full of life, cheerful now she's drained. As if she has given up.

He needs to save her and everyone else.


Grace walked into the dungeon, where her beloved kept Lucy and Lani. "My love, are you done, I'd love for you to join me and take a stroll it's such a gloomy day."

"Of course," Blaise set the bloody dagger on the table with the rest of the tool. "I'm close to breaking them, I found something that makes them both tick, I guess its twin thing. It's fascinating."

"Hmm," Grace looked at them. "Show me before we leave."

"No," Lucy struggled with her restraints. "No again, Blaise."

Blaise picked up a needle. "Sorry, dear, but my love wants to see. So stay still and open your right eye."

Grace stepped closer and watched as Blaise slowly stuck the needle into Lucy's pupil, right in the center.

"AH!" Grace glanced over at Lani, struggling as blood ran down her right eye.

"Interesting," Grace walked to Lani. "What does it mean?"

"They are connected," Blaise said. "But that's not it, their right eye is the source of their powers and connection to their demons. I felt the tug, I know where Lani's demon is, and Lucys."

"NO!" Lucy struggled. "You'll never get your hands on them!"

"We shall see," Grace smiled. "Alright, change of plans, let's go find Lani's demon, I'm sure that one, is more willing to cooperate."

Blaise pulled the needle out and placed it on the table. "Let's go," he held her hand. "I'll be back later to play."

Grace felt a rush of energy hit her body. "Hmm, did you feel that?"

"Yes," Blaise said. "Someone is trying to break down our barriers, I'd wonder who it is."

Grace licked her bottom lip, the energy is, intriguing and full of rage. "Shall we go take a look."

Grace wonders who was brave enough to try and take down the barrier placed around the town. Whoever this stupid and pathetic being was, she will destroy them, or perhaps trap them and drained of their power, every last drop.

They made their way out of the dungeon, up the stairs, down the hall, and out the palace.

She looked up at the sky; the outside world is blue and full of life. But here, everything is dark. The grey cloud hovers above them, keeping the sun from shining down upon them. And that is how Grace likes it. Dim. Dark. No happiness.

Grace closed her eyes, enjoying the cold breeze. But as she did, images of people began to flash in her mind.

People she doesn't know. Happy. Smiling. Laughing.

She was surrounded by them, as they celebrated something. Three women gather around her and hugging her. Then an older man with greyish hair sad brownish eyes approached her. "Come back to us, Grace," he spoke with such sadness. It made her feel awful. She wanted to embrace this man and cry. These emotions were not hers, but they felt like they were. The man reached and stroke her hair. "My beautiful Grace, I don't have much time left in this world. But I'm holding on, hoping to see you one last time. To see the real Grace, not this fake one who brings so much pain. Grace, my little blossom, I'll wait for you, I'll hold on until you return to my arms. I won't judge you; I won't abandon you. No matter the outcomes, come to me. Follow your heart when the time is right." He kissed her head and vanished.

She snapped back to reality and stare at the grey sky, Blaise looking down on her, with worry. How did she end up on the ground?

"My love," Blaise held her. "What happened? Why are you crying?"

"Crying?" She touched her face and felt wetness on her cheeks. "I don't know, I never cry. Someone is messing with my mind."

"We shall stop them!" Blaise growled. "Whoever is trying to hurt you, I'll hurt them back."

The thought of someone hurting the old man sends a shiver down her spine. A need to protect him arose in her. "No!"

"What?" Blaise frowned with confusion. "No?"

"I mean," she rubbed her head. "This man, he spoke to me, he seemed so familiar, and he's dying. Bring him to me!"

"We don't know who he is?" He helped her stand and held her firmly as she swayed.

She held her hand out and conjure an image of the man. "That's him, I want him here, Blaise, now." She said through gritted teeth. Something about this older man, brought a sense of awareness that what she's doing was wrong.

But how can she be wrong?

She's the Queen of Darkness, is she not?

If not, then who is she?

"I will do as you ask," Blaise said. "But now, let's get you inside, we can look for the demons and the intruder some other time. Right now, your pregnant, stress is not good for the baby."

Grace didn't argue, for the first time, she allows someone to take control.






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