Chapter 2

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4 days later

"Here you go ma'am" I said handing the lady her food. She was wonderful, always coming here to eat and she's just very polite. I love people that know how to be polite.

"Thank you pretty girl" and she walked out the door.

I turned around to grab the next persons food. I was now working at the pickup section if the restaurant. "Have a nice day" I said without looking up till the person started turning around. I've seen that face before. Before I could figure it out he walked out the door.

"Excuse me, my number it 455" an older man with a bad attitude said to me. He may have had a bad day. I just put a smile on my face.

"Ofcorse" I grab his food and hand it to him. "Have a great day" and I flash another bright smile. He just mumbles and walked out of the place.

As I continue to work the pickup counter, I get border as the night grows deeper. When my shift is over I gladly get ready to leave this place.

I was so excited to get this job. I had moved from Raleigh, NC to the big city. I needed to find new surroundings. Feel new things, but I'm already looking for something new again. Its exhausting really. I feel bad because maybe im being selfish because I can never just be happy with something for a long period of time. I have more than most people have. Even though I worked for it all I still feel bad for wanting more all the time.

As i'm walking out of the building I feel the warm air surround me and I can smell freedom. At night I can feel emotions that I don't have time to think about during the day.

I've been walking for about 5 minuets and I hear a noise ahead of me. It sounds like a grunt that didn't want to come out. I picked up my speed feeling my hair start to sway behind my shoulders. I see a man laying down on the ground near the curb. He looked like he was in pain.

When I got closer I crouched down without touching him. "Hey, can I help you sir?" he looked up at me and I felt chills run down my spine. In a flash he jumped to his feet and grabbed me by my shoulders and rapped another arm around my waist to keep me from kicking. Someone came from behind him and looked at me with another smile. Chills. "Mm what a pretty girl, we getting lucky tonight" and he grabs a piece of my hair and twirls it in his fingers.

I seen another guys shadow in the alley way and started to kick again. "No, no, no!" I screamed. The guy from the alley way stared to come to my sight, and very quickly he started to impressively hit the guy that had a hold of me, knocking him out with just one hit. He then took a fast look at me and then started on the other creepy guy. I just stood there with fear and shock in my body.

When he was done basically killing the two men he then looked over to me. I couldn't speak words so I feel my knees. My hands were trembling with fear. I could have really been hurt. "Are you alright?" I hear his deep voice from above me.

I didn't know of anything to say but "that was like a movie" I said with a quiet voice then it held recognition "that kind of stuff only happens in movies" I looked up at him. I knew that my eyes were wild and I probably looked crazy.

He just looks down at me and then a small smile tugged at the side of this mouth. "Oh my gosh I'm so rude. Thank you! You-you saved my life I was just as good as dead a few minuets ago. I don't know how I can repay you. Oh wait! I have my tips from tonight" I pulled all the small bills and threw my hand with the money up at him "here, I hope this will do, but if you do need more I can meet you ne-"

"Stop" I looked up at him. Ive seen him before. He's the man from the other night. What was his name?

"Ryder" I wanted to stand up but I felt like if I moved I would break. I held my hand up towards him again "could you help me up?" He wraps his hand around mine, well really my hand and my wrist. He has really big hands."thank you" I said to him again. I couldn't say it enough.

"No problem" he has a very deep raspy voice. Not raspy like he's smoked his whole life its more of a sexy raspy. A voice that could calm me in seconds. When our eyes meet for the second time, I feel like I've know them longer than I could remember.

"Who are you?" I questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

Who are you

"I'm Ryder" were just standing in front of each other in the side walk just looking at each other, too scared to move. weird.

I don't really know what I was expecting when I asked him that but I decide to throw my curiosity behind me. I nodded my head, but when I did I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I winced and grabbed the dip between my neck and shoulder. I waited for the pain to go way and when I looked up I seen a worried look on Ryders face. I also noticed that we were a lot closer to each other than we were before.

Then he grabbed my arm "Come on" he was in a rush. Why? He yanked a little too hard but I wasn't thinking about pain right now. Where was he taking me?

"Where are we going"

"Hush" his voice was low and quiet I almost didn't hear him. I decided it was best to just follow him. He won't do anything to hurt me, right?

He pulls me down many roads and alley ways, turning very sharply every now and then. My ribs hurt from running so much but he has a death grip in my arm so if I stop I will only hurt my self. And there is also a reason why he's running so I probably need to run too. He don't seem fazed at all, like he's used to doing this.

When we start to slow down a little bit. I look around me and see nothing but trees and road, a dirt road. There was street lights but only some shined and some flickered. We've come to a complete stop now.

In the flicker of the light, where do you take me tonight?

"What are we doing here" I was holding onto his arm pretty tight not out of fear just because I felt safer. I know that there is a chance that he could be a threat to me right now, but I just have a gut feeling that I shouldn't fear him.

"Ill explain when we get to my house. I can say more" I think thats the most I've ever heard him talk.

I just nodded my head and kept walking down the swirly dirt road.

Dirt road beneath our feet, ill hold on tight

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