Chapter 3

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After we had been walking for a good 7 minuets, we took another turn and in front of us was a giant house. "Wow" it was dark. The only windows were covered in dark curtains, no light shining through and It was shaped like a box. There was no decor on the outside, just a drive way.

Ryder started to pull on my arm after he let me admire the house a little. He knocked on the door twice and whistled once. Thats when my mind really started going. Not when I was almost raped. Not when I was walking down a creepy road with someone that I didn't know anything about. Now it was moving faster than Mallas.

"Why are we here?" I looked up at him "Why am I here? I hope you don't plan on hurting me. I would threaten you with the 'my family will come after you' but nobody will look for me or notice that I'm gone" Wait that gives him a better reason to kill me "I shouldn't have said that, now you will kill me for sure"

I here a chuckle from beside me. I take my eyes off of Ryder and look over to my right. A man with short dark brown hair is standing in the door way laughing. At me? "What?" These people are psychotic.

I felt Ryders start shoulders to shake beside me. I let go of his arm forgetting I was even still holding onto him. Then I looked back up to his face. He had to be a good 10 inches taller than me. "What" someone needs to answer me.

"Nothing" I looked back to the other guy.

"I'm so rude, my names Lorelei" I reached my hand out to shake his.

"Alex" He looked at Ryder with a confused face but still took my hand.

"Nice to meet you" I flashed him a smile. "But I need some answers. What are we doing at this house?" I was looking back and forth between Alex and Ryder.

"Yea what is she doing here? Boss won't be very happy." Who's boss? Sounds scary. I hope I'm not gonna cause any trouble for anyone.

We started to walk into the house and we moved to the kitchen. Everything was very modern and shiny, I like it.

"She could be in danger. Some of their people started to attack her 30 minuets ago" yep that was me.

Another guy walked into the kitchen with two pieces of paper in his hand. He was blonde with a buzz cut. Very tall and skinny. "Good, Ryder your here. We were sent these this afternoon, and I think you should look at them." He looked over to me and then he looked down at whatever was in his hands and then looked back at me. He kept doing this a few times. Ryder walked over to him in a fast motion and ripped the papers out of the guys hands.

I watched his eyebrows scrunch up. I really just want some answers so I can leave this place. "What is it" I asked them.

I got up and walked over to Ryder. I looked over his shoulder and he was holding pictures of him walking in and out of my house the other day. "Why did someone take pictures of us? Ryder I really need you to give me some answers." He nods his head.

He takes my arm "we will be right back" he leads me up the stairs and takes me into a room. There was no decorations. Just a bed, dresser and dark curtains. "Sit" he pointed to the bed.

He came back into the room with two glasses of water and sat down on the bed beside me. I could feel warmth coming from his shoulder, even though it was about a foot away from mine.

"I had just put the puzzles together when I seen those photos. I brought you here because I knew the people that attacked you." 

"Are they here?" I hope he wouldn't bring me near them creeps again.

"No, I know them but I don't hang out with them. They probably thought that you meant something to me. Thats why they they tried to hurt you. They wanted to send a message to us." Who's us? "I'm sorry that you were dragged into this but your gonna have to stay here till we can fix this situation"

"How long do you think that will take? A day? Maybe 2?"

"No, probably not"

"I have to work, I have bills to pay I can't just sit in a house and wait till people don't wanna kill me." Im over reacting "I shouldn't be mad maybe something good will come out of this. Do what you need to." I am a little mad but its not really his fault I shouldn't take it out on him.

When I looked at him, he looked like he was trying to figure something out. But then he looked away and said "you can sleep in here tonight, I'll sleep on the couch"

"Im not taking your bed"

"I don't mind"

"I do. We can sleep in this bed, its quite big"

"You trust people too much. This is why were in this situation."

"I shouldn't not trust someone unless they give me a reason to".

Most people need a reason to trust people but I don't see it like that. My trust has been abused before but that didn't change the fact that everyone deserves trust from someone.

"Your something" he got up and went to the dresser across the room. He pulled out a plain black t-shirt and handed it to me. "This should be big enough to cover you, you can change in there" he pointed to, i'm guessing, a bathroom door.

"Thank you" I smiled at him and walked to the door.

When I was pulling off my shirt I noticed that my skin was slightly bruised right above my pants. My collar bones were also colored with red and a little bit of brown. The skin wasn't completely bruised yet. I ran my cold fingers over it and flinched when I got to the tender part.

When I was done getting dressed I looked at myself in the mirror. He was right about the shirt it came a few inches above my knees. I'm tiny compared to him.

When I walked back into his room I thought about something.

"You haven't like slept with a bunch of girls in this bed have you?" I looked at him pointing at the bed. He had on a pair of sweat pants and no shirt. I felt my heart start to speed up. He was very attractive. I was about to sleep in the same bed as a very attractive man. wow.

"Nah, not this one" ew.

"Okay good, I guess" I nodded. I'm so awkward.

He walked over to a side of the bed and pulled the blanket back. I went to the other side and did the same and climbed in. It smelled really nice and felt really nice. I was really tired so I would be comfortable in dirt.

"Can we go to my apartment tomorrow? If I'm gonna be there anytime soon I need a few things."

"Yea, ill take you in the morning"

"Thanks" I meant it.

"For what?" He rolled over to face me.

"Everything. Mostly because you could have left me on the side of the road tonight and I could be dead. I don't wanna die yet, I haven't even felt anything from life yet. So thank you." I don't feel like I've been living for the past few years. Like I was alive but only going through the motions. Maybe one day I can find something to make me actually feel alive.

"Your welcome" I seen a small smile at the corner of his lips. I felt myself put a big smile on my face. I like it when people smile or laugh, it holds an emotion that can help dissolve pain for a few seconds. And sometimes those few seconds are all someone needs to get through the rest of the day.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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