"That didn't answer my question at all, why don't ya just act normal and not like a stuck up jerk?" You stopped walking and you turned around to face him. Lanette took out a tube of lipbalm and started applying on his dry lips.

"Ugh, this place needs a humidifyer." He smacked his lips.

"Goddamn it Lanette, why—"

"It's because I care for your safety— our safety. Okay?" He snapped.

"I don't know who is going to come in those doors, be it friend or foe, I'm not taking any chances." Lanette huffed.

You snorted, "Whatever, you're just crazy and stupid." He rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue.

"I am not arguing with you today." He hugged his arms.

"Fine by me, the quieter you are, the better." You talked back. Although he did express it outwardly, he felt a sharp pain in his heart.

You continued walking, pushing the shopping cart along with you in silence. It was so quiet without the other customers, you could almost hear your own heartbeat.

And some... sniffling?

"What now?" You mumbled as you turned around to see a teary-eyed Lanette clenching his fists until his knuckles turned white.

You grimace at his sobbing and whimpering.

"Why can't we go back to being a pair of inseparable friends? Laughing at each other's silly jokes, being comfortable with my hugs... all we do now is fight. Everything I do or say now is wrong in your eyes, I'm tired of it!" You squinted at him.

"Oh, you're tired? Imagine how I goddamn feel. That's right, everything you do and say is dead wrong, it's like you can't do anything right nowadays!" You argued back.

"I'm doing everything I can to save us, you're not helping at all!" He choked out.

"Well, maybe if you stopped— hey! What the hell happened with 'I'm not arguing with you today'!? You're trying to pick a fight with me now!" You threw your hands up in the air out of exasperation.

"I...I just—!" You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed.

"Okay, look. I'm tired, you're tired, I shut up, you shut up and everyone will be happy. Cool?" Lanette kept his lips sealed as he brought his hands up to his face.

He muffled his sobs and cries while you shook your head and continued pushing the cart forward, leaving Lanette to stand there and heal himself.

"Crazy bitch— wait a minute..." you saw a tuft of blond hair whizzed past by the aisles. You whipped your head back, good, Lanette did not catch anything.

You were dumbfounded, no one else was allowed entry! How did he...

"Damn Cece, how the hell did you sneak in?" You pursed your lips as you speedwalked away from the crying male.

Lanette didn't bother chasing after you, you couldn't get out without his permission anyways.

He needed time to compose himself too.

"(Y/n), why can't you see that I care?" He whimpered to himself.

"How the hell did you sneak past them!?" You whispered to the other celebrity. He smirked.

"I have a few tricks up my sleeves, don't you know? I'm a hardcore fan of Lanette, getting past security is like going on hols!" You furrowed your eyebrows at his sentence.

"What the hell are ya rambling about? I don't speak tea language." Caecilius narrowed his eyes at you before flicking you on the forehead.

"Ugh, rude. You Pillock. I don't get why would such a handsome lad like Lanette chose a Tosser like you." He whined as he looked away.

"I don't get why either, word salad." Caecilius whipped his head to face you.

"What did you just call me!?" He hissed, a heavy accent hung over his words.

"Nuttin, anyways. The pla—"

"(Y/n)?" You heard Lanette's faint voice calling from three aisles away. "Who are you talking to?"

Both of you went pale.



A/n: Floormart is microwaveean Walmart

Toxic moms be like: Lanette's right

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