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"Alright. Do we know what we're up against here?"

Dean almost didn't hear his brother. He only processed it after he saw Sammy looking at him from the corner of his eye.

"Uh right. So what we have so far is either a person or cult using people for their rituals."

"Dean, what's up? Why are you so distracted?"

Dean sighed. "Dunno. I just have a really weird feeling about this one."

"I mean, it isn't every day we deal with a malicious cult."

"I mean, yeah, but it feels different."

"Ok. We'll account for that too, I guess."

There was a knock at the door. Dean walked to the door to look out. He grinned. "Alright, pizza time!" He opened it for Castiel.

"I still don't know why you wanted me to get the pizza."

"Because Sammy and I are researching," Dean said, grabbing for the pizza box.

"Oh, also," Cas started, "I met someone interesting today."

Dean looked to Cas, quickly flicking his gaze away. "Yeah?"

"She said she could give information about this town. I think it would be logical to meet with her tomorrow."

Sam reached for a slice of the pizza. "I mean, it sounds a little ominous, but why'd she say that?"

Cas thought for a second. "She looked at me like she was analyzing, and she seemed to know something was off about me, but I checked out the address before coming back here. If she wants to kill us she would probably use a better spot than a library."

They were all silent for a moment, processing this information. "That's fair," Dean said.

Cas cocked his head slightly as though he knew something was off, but he said nothing.

"Cas, why'd you knock instead of... you know..." Dean started.

"Sam told me to be inconspicuous."


"Not to be a downer, but this has got to be the creepiest damn library I've ever seen."

"You shoulda seen the one at Stanford."

Dean chuckled. "Cas, I thought you said this was a normal library."

"I never said normal. I only said library. Besides, normal varies from person to person."

"So, where'd your contact say to meet?"

"''At the corner of mythology and fantasy.' She probably meant a location inside the library."

"Ok, so do we ask about that?"

"I don't see why not," Sam said. "Names?"

"Robert and Richard Hunter. "What about you, Cas?"

"David probably."

"Dean isn't 'Hunter' a little on the nose?"

"Only if people know what they're looking for."

And with that Dean led the way into the library. The volunteer behind the counter looked up from her book. "May I help you gentlemen?"

"Yeah, I'm Robert, and this is my brother, Dick. DO you know where we can find the mythology and the fantasy sections?"

"Oh. You're one of Em's jobs. Bottom level far left corner."

"Thank you," Dean said, before the three found the nearest stairwell.

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