Ch 4 Class Antics and Trouble Brews

Start from the beginning

Tanner: Believe it or not Y/N is more than just a Ozpin.

Silver: Today is his meat pie day.

Weiss: Meat pie? How?

Tanner: He is in good graces with the lunch staff.

Blake: But he joined yesterday.

Tanner: Though he will have to restart there is still one more that is working still.

Arriving at the cafeteria you go up to Amber. She was shocked seeing you.

Amber: I revived the order but I never could of imagined that it was you, and you look the same as the day you were missing.

Y/N: I shall explain it later but to sum it up being frozen will do that apparently.

Amber: Well it is good seeing you again.

Y/N: Likewise. Thank you for making this meal.

While Y/N were busy talking the teams have already went to the table. Tanner mumbled something of he getting the drinks. Though while walking you were tripped by a student unbeknownst to you named Russel. Luckily your meat pie did not fall. The cafeteria was silent as they mocked your hair while saying that you were too old for Beacon.

Y/N: (dust himself off) That may be but sadly you whippersnappers weren't taught manners by your parents.

He then proceeded to freeze the ground right under them. They tried to get out but it was in vain and Y/N made sure of it. He then proceed to grab out his cane and electrocute them.

Y/N: (unfreezes them) That shall be my one and only warning. You are lucky that my meal wasn't desecrated or my actions could of been quite severe.

You walked back to the table nonchalantly as the meat pie was the only thing that matters.

Y/N: Before any of use ask the one question it was indeed necessary to do such actions.

Tanner hands you your drink and you thank him accordingly. You then create some ice to put in your drink. Team RWBY found that to be rather weird.

Weiss: Why would you do such a thing?

Y/N: Weiss, I put all of my hopes that you'd be the one person to understand. I do this on my every drink.

Blake: If you request for ice with your drink won't that mean less of the actual drink?

Tanner: Here we go again.

Y/N: I care less as a cold beverage is by and far more superior. Why does an amount of a liquid matter when you can easily order more.

Ruby: Is it safe to drink? Your semblance.

Y/N: For me yes. I'm unsure of you all.

After that Team SHDE said their goodbyes to Team RWBY. It was night by now with your team doing random things to pass the time. This stopped as you heard arguing.

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