D-RoB Chapter 14. Are We Family? Part 1.

Start from the beginning

"Just do it already!" Snotlout shouted, cutting him off.

Fishlegs made his dragon call, his sounding more like a growl than a roar, but Meatlug heard it, and within a few seconds, she arrived by Fishlegs' side.

"Well done, Fishlegs." Hiccup praised, but the boy waved him off, "I'm not done. Watch this." He said before letting out a deeper growl-like sound.

"I don't even wanna know what part of his body that came from..." Tuffnut's eyes widened, "Or do I?"

"Ooh, I gotta take a in the air." The Gronckle-obsessed boy exhaled as several Gronckles fly over their heads, Meatlug excitedly joining them.

"Wow, nice herd." Tuffnut commented while Fishlegs shouted after his dear dragon.

"Be home for dinner! You're having granite!" He turned to Y/n, "That's her favorite."

Y/n nodded, "That's very common for Gronckles." She clapped her hands together, "Okay! Anybody think they can beat that?"

"I'll give it a shot." Astrid told the girl, walking by her, "Watch this." She cupped her mouth, letting out a howl.

Soon enough, Deadly Nadders, including Stormfly, flew over them.

"Good job, Astrid, first try." Y/n praised, causing Astrid to smile, rubbing her arm nervously.

"Uh, I have an important question." Tuffnut said, lifting his hand.

Hiccup sighed, "Is it actually important this time?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. It always is." Tuffnut said, looking at his nails, "Like, why are we even doing this anyway? I don't get it."

"Well, first of all, you never know when you're gonna be separated from your dragon. Calling it may be the only way to find each other." Y/n explained, using the easy words.

"Sorry. Didn't get it."

"Second of all, it's Bork week, and my dad asked us to put on a dragon air parade." Hiccup told the Twins.

"Why do we care about this Bork-guy anyway? Wasn't he a dragon killer?" Ruffnut asked, Y/n frowned at her words, looking at Hiccup for an answer.

"Hey, Bork only killed dragons in self-defense." Fishlegs spoke instead.

Y/n nodded to herself, any dragon would do the same if it came down to it.

"He studied them, wrote about them, lived and breathed them." Fishlegs told excitedly.

"And without him, there would be no Book of Dragons." Hiccup said more to Y/n than the rest of the group, still trying to explain 'Bork week' to the DragonBorn.

"And without the Book of Dragons, there'd be no-"

"Reason for you to live?" Snotlout cut him off, making the Twins laugh.

"Dragon Academy, right?" Y/n asked Hiccup with her hand on her chin, he nodded, "And there would be no really cool dragon air show either."

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