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"NJOMZA! NJOMZAAAA!!" Ariana called from the recording booth. 

"WHATTHEFUCKDOYOUWANT. IM TRYING TO TAKE A NAP HERE." I yelled back at her, and buried my face in my pillow. I didn't get to sleep yesterday, because we had been so busy with AG6, so I had made a bed on the studio sofa and slept there, while Ari was recording the backing vocals for one of her songs.

"You need to record your part," I heard Ariana walking towards me, sounding slightly annoyed. "Or you can do it later if you prefer, but we just want to get it done with."

"Coming," Reluctantly, I rolled off the sofa and trudged to the booth. I saw Ariana smile at me, her dimple showing up on her left cheek. She was so cute. That thought disturbed me a little. I'm not attracted to her, am I? But she really is cute. 

After I recorded my part in the song, I went right back to my makeshift bed and tried to sleep again, but Ari came over. 

"We should eat now. It's lunch time." She handed me a bowl of salad and sat down on the edge of the sofa, her ass touching my hip. I wanted to pull her closer, on top of me. STOP BEING GAY STOP BEING GAY STOP BEING GAY. I couldn't have a crush her. Ari would never love me back. She's straight. 

I sat up and took the salad from her, then gestured for her to take a seat beside me so that she'd have more space. She put her arm around my shoulder and gently brushed her lips against my cheek, then started eating. I could feel myself blush, and I quickly took a deep breath and picked up my fork. 

"Mmmh, this shit's good," Ariana mumbled through a mouthful of salad. I shoved some salad into my mouth as well, hoping she didn't notice me blushing. 

"What are your plans for the next song?" I asked her, hoping to distract myself from her body, which I had been staring at ever since she sat down. Ariana started telling me her plans for the next song, but I wasn't listening. I was mesmerized by her beautiful brown eyes and soft pink lips. I wonder how those lips would feel on mine. 

"Njomza? Earth to Njomzaaaa," She waved a hand in front of my face. "Were u listening? I asked you a question." Ariana looked hurt.

"Sorry," I apologized, embarrassed. "I'm just tired."

"You should really get some sleep then. I'll leave." She sighed, starting to stand up.

"No, stay with me please," I begged her, using my most persuasive voice. "I know you love it here in the studio. You can write some lyrics while I'm sleeping."

"Aww, thank you babe," Ariana grinned and scooched over to the end of the couch, then pulled out her phone. Dizzy with exhaustion, I put my salad down on the table and lay down, covering myself with the soft quilt on the ground. As I drifted off to sleep, I can feel Ariana stroking my hair, her fingers soft and gentle.

How can I not have a crush on this.

I ship Njomziana sm🥺

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I ship Njomziana sm🥺

Like Ariana was literally in the washroom with Njomza on her story the other day.

Eeeeee anyways hope you guys like this ♡ 

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