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summary: squidward always walks spongebob home on their way back from work. one day, spongebob's curiosity gets the best of him. gay ensues.
human au

   "Squiddy! Are you ready to go home now?" Spongebob exclaimed, latching onto Squidward's arm. The latter sighed.

   "Yes, I am. Now please let go," he grumbled causing Spongebob to disappointedly drop his grip. As they were walking back to their homes, Spongebob asked a question he'd been dying to know.

   "Hey, Squidward, why do you always walk home with me?"

   The taller male huffed. "We're going the same place. Why not?"

   "Squiddy..." Spongebob insisted. Squidward took a deep breath before averting his eyes and responding.

   "I...I enjoy walking with you. It's nice to be around someone I'm...close with, especially after a long day at work and being around all those nasty bottom-feeders," the bluenette confessed. Spongebob grinned, but he didn't say anything. What he did do, though, was grab hold of Squidward's hand and keep walking like nothing happened.

After a few minutes of Squidward being silently flustered, they arrived at their destination.

"Okay, well, this was fun! See you tomorrow!" Spongebob giddily said, reaching up and planting a soft kiss on Squidward's cheek. The taller male watch the other walk towards his strangely pineapple-looking home, flustered and speechless. He tentatively reached up and gently touched his face. He could still feel Spongebob's soft lips lingering on his skin. Smiling, actually genuinely smiling, Squidward retreated into his own home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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