Chapter Six: Magic

Start from the beginning

Raylee shook her head, "No worries, I am fine anyway. I was just dumb to stand there when the building was collapsing." She slouched sighing.

Ian glanced at her strangely. He examined her actions and poster. "Yeah, what was up with that? Like you were a dear caught in a headlights."

Raylee looked up at the twinkling stars. She hummed holding her bag straps. "I guess I thought I was gonna die. No point in trying to escape you know? Along with-" She cut herself off. She was about to say 'Along with dying without telling you the truth.'

"Hm? What was that?" Ian looked over. Barley is surprisingly being quite in Ian's shirt pocket. If anything he is like a third wheel.

She huffed. The stars twinkled so brightly above. It made her smile slightly. "Oh, don't worry about it." Her eyes could seem as weak and cold. A purple like clouded storm.

Eventually the two, we'll four made it inside. There are pixies everywhere. Raylee sighed as she us always annoyed at these suckers. Barley had to use the restroom so Ian gave him the key. Raylee picked up some fruit, water, and sweet bread-like snacks. She placed them down on the counter as Ian was already paying for the gas and Barley's cheese puffs.

Raylee opened her bag and took out her wallet. She handed him some cash.
"Pay for mine, will ya'?" She gently creased his arm.

Ian looked over as his cheeks flushed lightly. He nods taking the cash. Raylee took off the women's key and headed to the bathroom.

"You got a problem, smart guy?" The pixie asked their father.

Raylee rolled her eyes and used the key to unlock the restroom. After she went in the stall to do what was needed she took quite a while washing her hands. Raylee realized she just could have told him everything.

"Ian must never know I love him. It will be too awkward and our whole friendship will be ruined. I will lose him." She turned off the sink and dried her hands.

Once she got out she adjusted her bag straps and realized they were gone. She stepped outside and went over to Ian as he is filling up the container. Barley is having an argument with the pixies. Well, not really an argument.

"Are you calling me lazy?" One got offended.

"I think we need to go." Raylee leaned over some.

He nods and sealed the lid. Ian got a hold of dad and rushed to grab Barley.

"Hey! I was talking to him!" The pixie barked.

"We gotta go!" Ian apologized as they dashed to the van.

Their father followed behind as his top part bent over. His arms dangling behind. Raylee took the lead running faster than Ian. They then heard the motorcycle's engine start.

"Were gonna die!" Ian panicked.

Raylee turned slightly, "I never been kissed! We're gonna die!"

His cheeks flushed to a deep red. He shook his head as he filled the tank and quickly hopped in the van. Ian took the driver's seat. Raylee took the passengers and placed her bag assure buckling up.

"Oh, no..." Ian feared.

"Your gonna have to!" Barley cried.

Ian plugged in the key and turned it. He breathed and stepped on the peddle after putting on his seatbelt. Raylee let out a scream as he took off rather recklessly.

She grabbed hold of the belt. "Are you trying to kill us?"

"Were gonna die tonight right?" He glanced over then took a peek at his review mirror. They started to catch up already! Ian quickly got on the high way ramp. Sadly it is filled with traffic.

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