Matt looked at everyone around the room. "Like the fact that I'm gay, and I can finally accept that about myself."

The Bryans both jumped back into the couch. "Woah, wait...seriously?'

Matt shrugged, and Eden smiled warmly.

"Yep, I can even say it out loud without my heart pounding out of my chest and be consumed with the need to run away," Matt said proudly.

Brayden regarded him in a new light. "Well, good for you, man. It's pretty tight that you can be who you are." He'd saluted his drink towards him.

"And that's what I love about him," Eden spoke up. "That he's found peace with us and was able to feel safe enough to open up about something that wasn't easy to come to terms with."

"He didn't live up to his first impression," Jenna smoothed out her messed up hairdo. "but he turned out to be so much better. He's like a human cinnamon roll."

Matt looked down, his face had gone completely red.

"So, I just have one question," Evans wore a serious expression. "Were you ever into me?"

"Seriously, Bryan?" Ali stared daggers.

"What?! I'm just curious," Evans put his hands up. "So, c'mon Anderson, were you?"

Matt looked conflicted, but tried to hold in his laughter. "Honestly dude, no."

"Why not?"

"Because you're obviously straight, for starters," Matt laughed. "And, I don't do the whole 'preppy, blond rich kid' type."

Evans frowned, but everyone else laughed.

"Okay, I'm liking this game," Ali admitted. "Let's do Eden next."

Eden straightened in her seat, and wrapped her legs in the chair. "Alright, go easy on me," she'd joked.

"Boho, hippie chick all about 'peace and love' and probably smokes hella weed," Brayden listed off. "Someone who's never not smiled, and who sits around reading anime."

Eden giggled. "Well, you got everything but the weed part right."

"Big artsy chick, someone who designs her own tattoos, and someone who falls in love with fictional characters," Mat said.

"I did actually design my tattoos," Eden said. "Check them out." She'd lifted her hair up in the back to show off her lotus flower on the back of her neck, then without any hesitation, lifted her dress to show off the floral design along her right hip.

"Damn, that's freakin' sick," Ali marveled at the detail work. "You've got to design me something."

"Done," Eden smiled.

Jenna looked affectionately at Eden despite her smeared foundation. "I love Eden for her spontaneity, how she's impulsive and doesn't think twice, she just does. I wish I could be more like that."

"I like how she doesn't seem to let anything get to her," Matt admitted. "She never gets upset, and always says something to make everyone smile."

"You guys," Eden's eyes were on the verge of tears. "That's so sweet, but I seriously have to try so hard to hide it, the fear and self-doubt." Their group frowned, so she'd continued. "I second guess my work constantly, and wonder if I have what it takes. It's so incredibly hard to pour my heart out into a piece, and then have a professor write it off and give it a mediocre grade."

Ali had placed a reassuring hand on Eden's knee. "Dude, fuck that professor. Don't base your talents on the opinions of one person. Art is subjective, and just because one person may not like your work doesn't mean it's not worthwhile."

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