Chapter 21

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"Joshua get your little ass down here now!" Zach yelled. I walked down stairs. "Yes daddy?" I asked him. "What the hell did you do to Mr. Thomson?!" he asked me. "I-I didn't do anything I swear" I said. "Well that's not Dillon and Sam says" he said. "Dad I promise I didn't do it!" I started crying. "No video games, youtube, Cory or friends over for a month" he said. "But d-" "don't even josh. I can't believe you. Room now" he said. I turned around and went up to my room. "No xbox, no youtube, no cory, no friends. What am I supposed to do?" I asked my self. I walked into my room and Cory looked at me. "I'm not aloud to talk to you for a whole month" I told him. "What?! how am I supposed to live!?" he asked me. "Cory!!" Zach yelled. I looked at him. "See ya" I said. "Well b-bye" he said and left. I shut my door. I grabbed my laptop and threw it at the wall. I was mad of course. I grabbed my Xbox and threw it at the wall as well. I threw my phone and it shattered. I slid down my door and pulled my hair. "Josh?" Jay asked as he knocked on my door. "Am I grounded for another month?!" I asked him from behind the door. "No just please open the door" he said. I unlocked it and sat on my bed staring at what I did. Jay came in and sighed. "Look buddy. Daddy isn't mad at you. He's just not in the mood for anything. He even yelled at me and called me worthless. He never yells. He's not that kinda person and you know that. It's just his father passed away today and he's not feeling like him self. Maybe you should go apologize to him" he said. "But what if he hits me? he'a mad isn't he?" I asked him. "No. He's fine just go give him a hug" he said. I stood up and went down stairs. "Daddy?" I asked. "What did I tell you?! go up stairs!" he said. I ran to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry daddy" I said. He looked down at me. "Please forgive me" I said. He looked at the wall and got down on my level. "Look. I'm sorry josh. I'm just not feeling right. I'm sorry for yelling at you. Mr. Thomson's mailbox went missing and Dillon and Sam told me it was you so i got mad at you. I'm sorry. Did you break your xbox?" he asked me. i nodded "and my phone" I said. "And my laptop" I continued. He sighed "well. For an apology. Let's go to best buy and get you some new ones okay? and we'll get Cory some stuff too" he said. I looked at him "Okay". "Go get ready" he smiled at me. I hugged him one last time "thank you daddy". "You're welcome buddy" he said. I went up stairs dragging Cory with me. "I can't believe that just happened" he said. "Zach has never got that mad at me before" I said. He looked over at my mess. "I didn't do that" I said. He looked at me "yes you did don't lie to me" he said. "Haha okay. Get dressed Zach's taking us shopping" I told him. "Ohh!! shopping!!" he said happily. "You're so weird" I said. "Which is why you woveeee meee!!" he said. "Exactly" I said and kissed his cheek. "Joshy?" He asked me. "Yes?" I asked him. "Why don't you kiss me? like ya know what I mean...?" He asked me. I cleared my throughout "I Umm". "Am I that horrible? do you not like me anymore?" he asked me as a couple tears fell down his cheek. "No I do like you! it's just. When you k-kissed me on my birthday, that was my first k-kiss I said. he looked up at me again "really?". "Really" I said. "So you're telling me, threw your 14 years of being alive you never ever kissed anyone?" he asked me. "Never ever" I said. He blinked at me. "Don't blink at me! I'm telling you t-" he kissed me. I blinked. What do I do?! "Josh, cory!!" Zach yelled. (Let's pretend Jay never was pregnant and he never had Adrian okay?) Cory pulled away and looked down. "Hold on" I said and we went down stairs. there was a kid about 13-14 standing in between Jay and Zach. Cory and I stared at him. "This is Adrian. I want you guys to nice to him cause he is going to be a addition to the family" Jay said. I looked at Cory who was still staring at Adrian. I kicked his foot and he looked at me. Adrian looked down. "Soo.. let's go up stairs" I said and we walked up stairs. Cory followed behind me and Adrian followed behind Cory. We went to my room. "So Adrian how old are you?" I asked him as Cory and I sat infront of him on my bedroom floor. "1-1-14" he gulped. "Cool. So am I" I said and smiled. "Y-you're not g-gonna h-hurt me a-are?" he asked. "Uhh no? I'm Joshua Sounders the nicest person on earth, people say I can't even hurt a fly!" I said. he gulped again and looked at Cory. "I won't hurt you either. I'm not even a Sounders. I'm just here cause my parents are stupid" Cory said. "Oh" Adrian said while calming down a little. "Is your last name Sounders, Adrian?" I asked him. He looked at me "yeah". "Cool!!! I finally have a brother!" I said and jumped up. "Little too excited there" Cory laughed. i sat back down. "I have a question" Adrian asked. "you my wonderful brother can ask me or Cory anything!" I told him. He smiled "do you guys like support gays because I'm umm" he tried to say. "I'm gay too" I told him. "You are?!" he asked me. "So am i" Cory said. "Thank god" he sighed. I smiled. "What- Holy shit who are you?!" Sam asked as he came into my room. "Sam! just the person I've been looking for! Adrian this is Sam, Sam this is Adrian" I said. "Why are you here!? you must be the most popular guy in our who school!" he said. "Umm. I'm not too sure what school is and what does popular mean?" Adrian asked. "Sammy. Adrian's my brother" I told him. "Darn it" he said. Cory laughed. Adrian stared at Sammy. Sammy stared Adrian. "Yeah I know right?!" Dillon and Jake came into the room laughing hard. i looked at Adrian who was still staring at Sammy. Sammy was still staring at him. Dillon looked down at Sammy and back at me. "Sammy" he said. he still didn't move. "Hello earth so Sam Johnson!" he pushed him foreword causing Sam to fall ontop of Adrian. We laughed and Sam tackled Dillon to the floor. Adrian got back up and hid the fact he was blushing. I smiled at him. "Cory!! phone!" Jay yelled. Cory got up and went down stairs. "So guys. You're probably wondering who this is huh?" I asked them. Dillon nodded. I put my arm around Adrian's shoulders. "This my friend is my brother, Adrien" I said. "Sweet! I'm Dillon the cool one" Dillon said. "Haha. I'm Jake hyper #2 Cory's #1" jake said. "And I'm Sammy the non cool nor Hyper one I'm the nerd" Sammy said ashamed of him self. Cory came back crying. I jumped up and grabbed his hand dragging him to the room across the hall. "What happened?" I asked him. "My mom wants me back. I'm leaving Josh" he said. "Well! you can still visit me! there's nothing to cry about" I told him whipping his tears away. "No I cant" he said. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "My mom lives in New York"

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