Chapter 4

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*3 years later*

"You're getting old josh!" Zach said. "I'm only 10!" I said. "You're old" he said. "How old are you?" I asked him. "17" he said. "You're old!" I said. "I know" he said. My mommy came into the house coughing again. "Josh go up stairs" Zach said. I sighed and went up stairs. This is getting tiring. I hate this. My moms getting worse. I know what cancer is now. It's a deadly illness that could kill her. "Josh" Zach said as he came into the room. i turned "yes?" I asked him. "I'm staying here with you for a while again" he said. "Okay" I said. Oh! do you remember cory?! that was 3 years ago! you should remember him. He's my best friend!!! he's always here!! it's so much fun. "Can Cory come over?" I asked. "Yeah as long as my friend can then yes" he said. "Is it Matty?!" I asked. "Yes" he said. "Yay!!! matty's fun" I said and called Cory. "Hello?" he asked. "Hey cory! can you come over?" I asked him. "Yeah" he said. "Yay!!" I said. "I'll be over in 5" he said and hung up. Matty got here fast. He had his skateboard which is like my life. "Hi matty!!" I said. "Hey josh" he said staring at Zach as he did the dishes. I questioned him. I think Matty likes my Zachy. That's okay. I shock my head and answered the door it was Cory. "Coryyy!!" I said. "Joshyyy" he laughed. "Sup bro" I asked him. "Nothin much. Sup Matt? sup Zach?" he said. he's hot. I love his hair. Wait! did I just say he's hot....? oh well. We went up stairs. "What do you wanna do?" I asked him and sat on my bed. He sat next to me. "I don't know" he said. I looked at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?! is my hair messed up?!" he freaked. "No" I laughed. "Oh okay good" he sighed. I shock my head and we played xbox. "Josh!" Zach yelled. I went down stairs and Cory followed me. "Yeah?" I asked. "I'm going out with Matt for a while stay here" he said. "Okay" I said and we went up stairs. Matt and Zach left. Cory stared at me. "What?!" I asked him. "Nothing" he said shyly and grabbed his controller sitting back down on the floor. I sat next to him and grabbed mine as well. We played some games for a while. "I gotta go" Cory said. "Oh okay. Bye" I said. He left. As he left Zach came home. He came up stairs. "Heyyy!!" he said. "Hi" I said. "Why so down?" he asked. "Nothing" I said. "Come on josh. Something's wrong. What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing" I said again. He sighed. "Good night mr" he said. "Night" I said and went to bed.

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