Chapter 16

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"Cory can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked him. he looked at me, those amazing green eyes staring into mine. He nodded. I grabbed his hand and went to my room. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "Why can't you just leave it alone? I'm fine" he said. "I worry about you ya know? and I'm quiet positive I deserve to know what's going on in that amazing head of yours" I said. He looked at me again and tears feel from his eyes and dripped down onto my arm. "Cory? what's wrong? please tell me" I said. "M-my brother" he said looking down. "What about your brother?" I asked him while intertwining our fingers and holding his hand tightly. "He committed suicide" he said. "What?! why?" I asked him. "He felt like no one loved him and no one cared for him. When in reality I did" he said. I hugged him. "Don't do it too. Please don't" I begged him. "What's going on boys?" Zach asked us. "Nothing" I said. "Josh. Don't lie. Lying gets you no where" he said. "I'd rather not say" I said. Zach nodded and left again. "Don't do what?" Cory asked. "Don't do what your brother did" I said. He didn't say anything, he just stared at the ground. He wasn't crying anymore but he wasn't saying anything. "Cory?" I asked him. He looked up. "You know I love you right?" I asked him. He looked down again. "Cory! stop doing that! I'm being serious" I said. He still didn't say anything. "Fine don't talk to me" I said and slammed the door and went down stairs. "Where's Cory?" Jake asked. "Right now I care less" I said. Jay looked up from his papers. "Josh. Up stairs now" he said. I rolled my eyes and went up stairs. I tried to open my door but it wouldn't open. "Cory?!" I freaked. i wiggled the door nob still nothing. "Cory open this door now" I said. No respond. Zach came over and unlocked the door with a key. I went in. "C-Cory?" I asked as I went into the bathroom. cory looked up and me and cried even harder. "Leave me alone. You don't love me anymore" he said. "Cory! what are you talking about?!" I asked him. "You left me" he said and threw a bloody blade at me. It hit my chest and I caught it. I looked down at it. Then looked back up at him. He was trying to hide the fact that he cut his wrist. "Cory" I said sitting Infront of him. He hugged his knees and got blood on his pants. I grabbed his wrist and he tried to pull away but I wouldn't let him. I grabbed a wet paper cloth and carefully whipped the blood away. He cried some more but calmed down. "Shh... it's okay" I said. He bit his lip as I put a bandage on his wrist. "Stop. It's okay" I said. He pulled his wrist away and hugged me tightly. "Don't leave me again please" he said. "I won't I promise" I said hugging him back. He kissed my shoulder "I can't live with out you josh" he said. "i can't live without you either" I told him. "I love you josh. I always will" he said. I smiled "I love you too cory". "Everything okay now?" Zach asked. "Yeah it's okay" I told him. "No more cutting okay boys?" he said and grabbed the blades. "Okay" I said. "I remember when I was your age I cut too but luckily I had people who cared. Matt and Xavier saved me. I sometimes still do it due to the hate I get. But then Jay comes and comforts me just like you did To Cory josh" Zach said sitting down on the floor. "You cut?" I asked him. he nodded "see" he showed me. "For how long?" I asked him again. "Remember when I first meet you? you were 2 so you probably don't remember but the day I met you I started cutting. But it wasn't your fault. It was my mothers" he said. "I remember. I was playing with my power ranger when you came into the house with my mom and she sad that you're my new babysitter and you'll be over a lot. I was so happy cause you always played power rangers with me. And you never got bored" I smiled remembering my past. "And then you turned 3 and I had school which made me not play with you anymore. And I felt like I broke a 3 year olds heart because you crying and throwing fits because I wasn't around anymore" he said. "Then I turned 4 and you came back and I was happy again" I said. "Then Cory came along" he said. I looked at Cory "Best day of my life".

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