Chapter 5

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I went down stairs and Zach was freaking out. "Mr.Tourner. You can't take Josh from me. I'll adopt him! I have a home for him and everything" I heard Zach say. "Okay! thank you" he said and hung up. "Who were you talking to?" I asked him. "No one! I'll be right back" he said and left. "Okay..." I said and sat on the couch. "Daddy!!" I said and jumped up. "Hello Joshua" he said. "Where's mommy?" I asked. "She's passed away" he said. "Oh" I said. Zach came back with some kid that was very clingy with him. When Zach sat down the kid sat on his lap and he was confused. "Hello I'm Jay I don't think we've met" the kid said to me. "Hello Jay. I'm Josh it's very nice to meet you" I said and shock him hand. I like this kid. "Well josh. You got your wish" my dad said. "Zach's adopting me?!" I asked. "Sure am" Zach said. He picked me up and held Jays hand. When we got out to the car I got onto jays lap and I hugged him. Zach smiled "I knew you'd like him" he said. I smiled and we went to my new home.

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