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If there's one thing that really flips my boat, rocks my yacht, sinks my ship, it's guys that run they mouth!

Sweet baby corn! I hate it. I mean all you do is talk. Just flapping your got damn lips as if there ain't shit better to do!

And when I say always talking, no I don't mean "talking" talking. I mean when guys be putting out personal business.

Like, are you serious? It's called PERSONAL business for a reason! Do you know what personal means?

Personal • Adjective •

Of, affecting, or belonging to a particular person rather than to anyone else.

Personal! Private! Not-one-other-damn-soul kinda confidential!

You know how many times I've sat down and have heard guys discussing their sex lives with their best friends; in explicit details? A lot!

Nobody don't need to know if you shaking sheets! Nobody don't need to know if she shaves, waxes, or grows a fucking forest with gnomes guarding the front port! Nobody needs to know all that!

Then y'all be wondering why your "boys" be all up on your girl trying to get some! I mean hell, if you have already told them everything, the next thing is to try it out.

Niggas that can't close they mouth, shouldn't get ANY play. Lol

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