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America groaned as his alarm sounded, blinking his eyes open and smiling at the sleeping Russian on his screen. they'd fallen asleep on face time, and America couldn't help but feel butterflies erupt in his stomach. Or maybe, just maybe, those were roots from flowers twisting themselves around in his insides. but America didn't have time to think about that, he quickly ended the face time, getting up and rushing towards his dresser. he aimlessly grabbed some clothes, making sure they looked presentable before grabbing his phone and rushing out of his room. he ran into the bathroom, taking the quickest shower anyone had ever seen before running into the living room, he smiled slightly at his sleeping mother on the couch and grabbed his backpack, running out of the house. Russia smiled slightly as he watched the boy run down to the bus stop, shaking his head and glancing at Ukraine. "can we pick America up?" he questioned, looking at his brother.

Ukraine shrugged, staring at his phone, "sure, Russ. i don't really care, I just hope Canada gets better soon. i'm really worried about him, he just won't stop throwing up." he huffed, watching as Russia pulled over next to America. "Hey Ame!" Russia called, smiling slightly. the boy's head snapped up, looking at Russia and Ukraine. "hi, Ruski." America murmured, tugging at his sleeves and walking quickly. "c'mon, Ame. lemme give you a ride." "I can ride the bus." America huffed, crossing his arms and rushing down the street. Russia rolled his eyes, just driving after America. "Amerika, c'mon. what's wrong?" "leave me alone Russia. you can't handle a relationship right now and I can't handle being friends with you." America glared, running down the street to Poland's house. America watched the boy run away with an open mouth, coming to a stop in the middle of the street as Ukraine's head shot up. "you broke up with America?!"
"I told you this!"

America smiled as he sat next to Poland, laughing with the boy loudly causing Germany to look over and raise an eyebrow. "what's so funny?" he questioned, Poland smiling brightly as he saw Germany. "Italy just caught up with us in the lunch line, he's still funny." America smiled, playing with his sweater sleeve as Ukraine sat next to Croatia."oh, hey Ukraine." Serbia smiled, waving. "hey, Serbia." Ukraine hummed, looking at Poland as he began talking. "where's Canada? you two are always together!" Ukraine smiled sadly, "Canada's still sick." Russia sat next to Ukraine, earning a look from America.

"I've gotta use the bathroom, guys. make sure nobody steals my food." America huffed, getting up and earning a confused look from Poland. "oh! Ame, i gotta talk to you about something. i'll come with you." Russia called, getting up and rushing after the boy. "Amerika , Amerika, wait up!" America turned quickly, glaring at Russia. "what?" he snapped, Russia staring at America for a moment. "uh, a few things..actually." Russia mumbled, scratching the back of his neck anxiously. "uh, first things first, I guess. what's with the mood change? you were fine with me yesterday?" "yeah, well, I guess things change. like you loving me." America murmured, Russia stared at America, sighing. "Amerika, I still love you." Russia lied, running a hand through his hair. "I just- i've got some stuff going on at home."

"you have shit going on?" America snapped, glaring at Russia. "my mom's about to leave my dad because my dad just wasn't satisfied with her after awhile!" Russia sighed, looking at America again. "it's not about me, is it, Baby boy?" he whispered, slowly grabbing America's hand. Russia didn't seem to notice the spark in America's eyes when the Russian touched the American's hand. "w-what?" America sniffled, glaring at the ground. "of course it's about you!"Russia shook his head, wrapping his arms around America's waist instead, "i don't think it is." he whispered, noticing how America relaxed in his arms. "I think it's about your parents, baby boy."

America nodded softly, resting his head on Russia's chest. "I don't want my mama to make me leave, Russia, i don't." Russia frowned, running a hand through America's hair. "I know, baby boy, I know." he murmured, America moving his head."we've gotta tell them." America whispered, wiping his eyes softly. "tell who? tell 'em what?" "our friends, that we broke up." America said simply, crossing his arms. Russia nodded, "Ukraine found out, uh, because of what you said." he lied, biting the inside of his cheek. America shrugged, "I figured you'd already told him, you tell him everything." he murmured, Russia shrugging and shaking his head."not this, baby boy, not this." Russia sighed, he'd feel like an even bigger piece of shit if he told America that he had told Ukraine about the break up. America slowly nodded, walking back into the lunch room, Russia groaning and following after him quickly.

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