Chapter 21

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When Brooklynne opened her eyes, it was dark and cold

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When Brooklynne opened her eyes, it was dark and cold. She didn't know where she was, but she knew she wasn't alone. There was a pair of arms wrapped around her waist, she knew it was Eric, but still, she couldn't figure out where she was. She couldn't breathe, but, oddly, she didn't need to. There was something on her, all around her, everywhere, something cold, getting inside her clothes, her socks, her shoes... Was it... dirt?

Panic took over her and she tried to move, but couldn't, making it worse. She realized she was buried in the ground and knew it would be difficult to get out of the hole on her own, she tried nonetheless. She crawled up with difficulty, for minutes that seemed like hours. Sometimes feeling like she was digging herself deeper in than out. Finally, she got out, her hands gripping the grass as she pulled herself up with a force she didn't know she had, a force no human had.

She took a deep breath as soon as she could, dirt in her mouth, in her eyes, falling down from the top of her head... She fell on the ground, her chest coming in contact with the cold and humid grass. She coughed, and coughed again, but managed to sit up. She felt something warm and wet on her cheeks and quickly wiped it out with the back of her hand as she realized she was crying.


She jumped, startled, as she heard her name. She looked up but was blinded by the lights in the dark sky. The stars. She brought her hand to her forehead, trying to shield her eyes from the blinding lights, but they quickly got used to it, and she found Eric standing right in front of her.

"What did you do?" she asked with a trembling voice and angered tone. "What did you do?!"

"I'm sorry," he quickly answered as he knelt before her. "I didn't have a choice. You were dying."

As he said those words, looking at her with fear, worry, and yet relief, she remembered her last moments before everything went dark. She remembered hearing a gun shot, she remembered the blood, she remembered the pain. She gasped and started crying again as she took it all in at once. She was dead. He had saved her life.

"You're gonna be okay," he promised her as he cupped her cheek with his hand.

She put hers over his, with unusual speed that surprised her. He moved his thumb over her tears, giving her a reassuring smile, which quickly turned into a frown.

"What? What is it?"

"Your tears... they're... normal."


To hell with Bill, to hell with Marnie, to hell with all of them. Eric and Brooklynne were probably needed, but they didn't care. They needed time. She needed time. And a shower.

When she got out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but an old and discolored blue towel, her hair falling wet on her shoulders, she felt hungry, and worried. As she was now a living-dead, she shouldn't feel hungry, not for human food anyway. She should be crying blood and craving human blood, but all she wanted at this moment was a big fat hamburger, with extra-bacon, and fries.

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