Chapter 5: Rock Bands, Snakes, And Clothing Choices of Japanese Bands

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Chapter 5: Rock Bands, Snakes, And Clothing Choices of Japanese Bands

So, after having a breakfast that did not include any character deaths, or any epic battles, rap or otherwise, the three of them made their way back to the mall which seemed to be a lot busider now, people were going from store to store buying things, there were some couples on dates, a few groups of high school students agruging about who had the best football team which ended up leading to an argument about the perfectly blend of crunchiness in bacon.

Joe, Drew, and Peter then narrowly dodged these various groups and made their way to the food court, however as they were doing so, they noticed some very loud music playing not too far away from them, a song that Peter knew immediately.

“That’s Skillet,” he said, as he started to turn around and walking to it. “Before I went to bed last night, I was listening to them, and they ended up playing this song at the end of all of their concernts, Rebirthing.”

“It’s probably just the radio,” Joe said, but he and Drew followed Peter who had gone to pursue the source of the music, maybe it was something, it had been far from the first day that something strange had ended up being far more than it appeared at first glance.

After the three of them made their way through the mall, noticing someone who was carrying some bags of meat running from some snakes, they made it to the enterence, which much to their amazement, had Skillet playing there, playing Rebirthing, and as into it as ever.

“Oh, that was a close one,” Peter said.

“What do you mean? Drew asked.

“Last night before I went to bed I was watching some music videos, and this was the last one I watched. Let’s just say the second to last video I watched featured a Japenese rock band that had far less clothes on while then performed compared with Skillet.”

“Were the guys good looking at least?” Drew asked.

“Well, I mean the lead singer had a six pack, and they were all…wait, that’s beside the point!” Peter shouted.

At this point, Skillet’s song ended, and the members of the band noticed that they had no idea where they were, nor why they were performing their music. “Hey, weren’t we in Nashville last I checked?” John asked.

“That sounds right,” Korey said, “I just went to bed, and then I’m here performing.”

“I guess we should just make the most of it then,” John said.

“Exactly, who needs sleep on a Sunday morning anyway?” Korey agreed and they they started playing a another set, which Peter would have loved to stay for, but instead he was dragged away by his sister as the three of them made their way back to the food court.

Just as they had hoped, they saw the food court was full and people there were being given free samples. A girl then ran by who had a bag which seemed to be from every store in the mall, and she was also carrying her laptop, and a very large bag of potato chips, however she was also being chased by a dog who was trying to bite her ankle.

Drew ran up to the dog, and picked it up, petting it, and the dog responded by barking eargerly.

“Oh thank you,” the person with way too many bags said. “That dog just wouldn’t leave me alone.”

“Is the dog yours?” Drew asked.

“No, I have no idea where he came from,” miss shoper person said.

“Sweet, free puppy then,” Drew said.

“You think Dad will let us keep him?” Joe asked.

“As a wise man once said, ‘Don’t be a potato.’”

Joe wasn’t sure how that fit with anything, and what kind of wise person would find the need to tell people to not be potatoes, or anything like that, but he figured that it was best not to argue with someone who knew how many licks it took to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop when someone is using an atomic screw driver to drill through it.

Joe really did worry about his family sometimes.

“Are you all shopping for Christmas presents?” the person with way too many bags asked.

“No, we’re here to get revenge for my brother’s death and to fight the evils of this world so that light might once again shine.,” Joe answered, clenching his fist and looking with a far away gaze into the distance. And by distance I mean the GAmestop’s display center.

“Sweet, can I join you?” she said.

“Eh, sure, more minions to feed to the fire,” Drew said with a shrug of her shoulders and the rest of them really couldn’t argue with that logic, so the four of them made their way to the food court once again, and learned that this person who had done lots of shopping was named Jen, and had no relation to the character in my other NaNo story.

“So you’re sure its this Chinese place?” Jen asked, as the four of them huddled around a small table in the middle of the cafeteria.

“I’m sure of it,” Peter said, “There’s still the machine gun mounted on the counter, and most importantly, they’re giving away free samples.”

“So, what’s the plan?” Jen asked

“Chaos murder pillage?” Drew offered as a suggestion.

“No, that’s for phase 2 of the plan,” Joe said. “What we need here is a distraction. Jen, we’ll ened you to tackle the person giving away free samples, then I’ll go pick up the container of tooth picks, and turn them into smoke bombs which Drew will then detonate. At this point, the three of us will run to the back of the resterant and look for the portal while Jen orders a pinaaple juice from the pizza stand.”

“Are there any objections?” he then asked his small, but brave and hopefully competent team.

“Will I still have time to make it to my art compition?” Jen asked.

“Assuming you can run faster than those police cars, yes,” the youngest brother whose name I forgot for a second said.

“I have no objections then,” Jen said and the four of them stood up.

“I will name this dog Seven,” Drew said, setting the puppy down, and then Joe got an idea, petting the puppy and then it turned into a full grown German Shepard dog, who barked, seeing all the food from the people all over the place.

After that, they set their plan in motion, with Peter walking up to the nice person, taking the free sample, and slowly walking away as to divert the worker’s attention. With this opening, Jen charged at the worker, throwing all of her weight into the tackle and knocking the worker over, sending her food, and most important her toothpicks flying everywhere. However, Joe was ready for this, running over, acting as if he was helping, but he held his hand out over the toothpicks, and then turned into smoke bombs, with Drew quickly ran by and detonated, giving them to cover they needed. The three siblings ran into the resterant, and while Jen took off to her art contest, knowing that no matter what wonderful paints and colors they all had, none could stand against the simiplisity of the pencils.

The three of them went into the back of the room, and then felt the world around them start to spin, and images appeared beyond a normal person’s sight, and this made them feel like they were traveling in every direction at once. “Hold on tight,” Joe said, trying to reach out for his siblings, but it was too late, they were taken somewhere, blinded by the blinding light, and Joe felt himself thrown onto the hard ground.

“Is anyone out there?” he asked, but got no response.

“This is bad,” he said, getting back to his feet, his eyes now starting to adjust to the near darkness, however, it didn’t tell him much more than he already knew, that there was no one else around him, that he was in some type of big building, and that he’d need to find a way out of whatever this place was. He just hoped that Drew and Peter would be okay.

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