Chapter 4: The Mall

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Chapter 4: The Mall

“So, I guess the mall isn’ topen this early,” Joe said, seeing that the parking lot was completely empty, all the doors were locked, and there weren’t even any strange people around trying to warn about the end of the world as we know it even though they feel fine.

“I guess there’s only one thing to do then,” Drew said.

“It doesn’t involve just going home now, does it,” Peter said, knowing how his sister’s mind worked.

“Not until next Tuesday,” she said, walking up to one of the windows. She tapped on the glass, finding it to be too sturdy to just jump through like the hotel, but that wasn’t enough to stop her. She stepped back and then throught about what that power ranger had said, about how the power was in the eyes, guided by sight, and could make what one wants to see into reality. So she focused on the glass, and imagined in shattering before her, which after a few seconds, it did. “Cool,” she said with a grin.

“Let’s go then,” Joe said taking the lead as the three of them entered the mall. However, the mall was quite dark, and Peter didn’t want to drain the battery on the phone by using it as a flash light, however that didn’t stop them from running out of light pretty soon. However, Joe looked up at the celing, where the lights were, and focused on them, wanting them to light up, and then their light soon filled his vision. “This could come in handy,” he said, still not exactly sure how he did it, but he was quite glad that he had this power, whatever it was.

The three of them made their way to the foodcourt, Drew then thinking about how hungry she was, but didn’t really want to cook the food there herself, so figured she’d wait until they opened up if they still didn’t find what they needed before then. Once they got there, they looked for the Chinese place, still not sure why that would be the key to finding the place to get to the heart of this evil organization.

They found their target in the corner of the food court, and made their way over to it, Joe hopping over the counter, Drew deciding she didn’t like the counter, so she had it explode with her strange eye powers thing, and then Peter was just able to walk throught he destroyed counter. Joe was a bit worried that his siter had found out how to destroy things so soon, but figured that she’d be able to figure it out quickly, so that was a good sign, especially considering the fact that she enjoyed it, so that could be helpful whenever they needed. Assuming she didn’t destroy anything they needed to not be destroyed anyway, but he hoped that she knew enough to know when blowing things up both was and was not a good idea.

The three of them looked through the back part of the food booth, looking under stoves, behind counters, and pretty much anywhere in that tiny space where they could hide a portal, but they quickly exhausted every possilibty. “It’s not here,” Joe said, after they had triple checked anything that could have worked.

“Dang it, and I already killed that guy too,” Drew said.

However, before they could complain any more, a number of people dressed like ninja dropped from the ceiling, all of them having shapr objebts and pointing them at the three siblings.

“All right, more people to torture answers out of,” Drew said, quite glad to see this.

“Be careful,” Joe said, grabbing one of the pieces of a mop that had been split in half from the Chinese resterant, and deciding it could make a good weapon, especially if it wasn’t a mop but a sword of his own, and as he thought and concentrated, this mop became a sword, however this one made of a sturdy steel compound that he knew wouldn’t snap like the gold one.

Drew didn’t seem to pay any mind of the weapon that she used, instead deciding to pick up one of the cold metal chairs that filled the food court, daring the ninja to come after her.

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