Chapter 3: The Hunted

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Chapter 3: The Hunted

As the bright lights around them started to fade, Joe saw where they were an it seemed to be a small hotel room, with two neatly made beds, some desks, a small couch, and he had no idea where or why they were here since only last chapter they were in the woods behind their house. He saw Drew and Peter there which was a good sign, at least they were okay, but he was still worried about Lloyd for obvious reasons, and that didn’t explain any of the other strange things that had happened to them, if anything this even added to the strangeness.

“Is everyone okay?” he asked.

“I think so,” Drew said.

“It’s dark here,” Peter said opening up the drapes to look at the city that they were in. It wasn’t a gaint city, but he could tell they were in the downtown of wherever they were. “Judging by that it would appear that we are a good deal west of our house,” he explained.

“That would make sense then,” Joe said sitting on the bed, having absoltly no idea what to do now. Should they try getting home, that would seem like the logical thing to do, but whoever attacked and stabbed his dad and Lloyd might be there, but he should still go after them. He then instintivly reached for his pocket for his phone, but then realized that it wasn’t there because he had just gotten out of bed and still had his pajama pants on. “Neither of you have your phones, do you?” he asked, to which he got a nod from both of them. Drew and Peter had gotten dressed, though it didn’t surprise him they still didn’t have their phones, considering how often they left the house forgotten them.

“Don’t worry about it,” Drew said getting off the bed where she was sitting and walked toward the door. “Give me a couple mintues.” She then left the room.

A couple mintues later, they heard the sound of what sounded like a man say, “Good morning ma’am.” However, this was soon followed by a few screams of pain and agony. “What are you doing, ah, my leg doesn’t bend that way, what are you…no please.” However, before they could say anything more, his voice became quite muffled, and a few more bangs were heard before things got quiet. About a minute later, Joe heard a knock at the door, so he opened it, seeing his siter there with a look of triumph across her face. She walked into the room, tossing an iphone to Peter.

“You should be able to unlock it,” she said.

“Oh yeah, this’ll be easy.”

As Drew walked further into the room, he noticed she had a wallet and was counting the money in it. “I’m really glad you’re on our side.”

She then started to laugh. “You just keep thinking that,” she replied, which caused him to worry, but not nearly as much as everything else that had happened.  “On the plus side, we have about 130 dollars now.”

“And judging by the setting on this phone, we’re somewhere about an hour outside St Louis Missorri,” Peter said.

“Okay, so now that we know where we are, we need to at least figure out what we’re going to do now,” Joe said. “It might be good to call some of our neighbors to have them check on things, maybe call an ambulance or something for Dad and Lloyd if they could still use it.”

“I can do that, I remember the numbers of the people within five houses of us,” Peter said.

“All right, good, give them a call,” Joe said, as always amazed by how much his younger brother could remember. Granted, it was normally pretty useless, but there were times when it came in handy light the time he accidently broke into the NSA’s main base while sleep walking.

However, before they could come up with their next plan of action, the door to their hotel room was kicked down by someone who appeared to be a power ranger, who them drew a sword and pointed it at the three of them.

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