Chapter 1: The Walls Fall Down

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Chapter 1: The Walls Fall Down

All that he wasnted was to be able to sleep in on a Saturday morning, and really, wasn’t that what everyone wanted, to just sleep, relax, enjoy the fun that was dreams about killer penguins fighting zombie tigers on the plains of the Sarahra Desert? Or maybe he was really just a bit weird.

But for all those desicres, he couldn’t sleep at all because of his brother’s snoring on the other side of the room, and the sun had just come up, so it wasn’t like he didn’ thave at least 7 more hours of sleep coming. Still, he tried, covering his ears with his pillow, but that didn’t seem to do any good, especially considering the sound of a neighbor’s lawnmower made it even harder to drown out the world and fall back into the land of his dreams.

Could he just get up and face the day, and be productive? Of course, but that wasn’t what his plan was, and he was going to stick to that plan even if it meant getting a shotgun and killing everyone and anything that would rob him of such precious and wonderful sleep, so he could get back to that dream involving the downtown subway.

Did that town even have a subway? He didn’t think so, but in the dream nothing like that had to really make sense, so he just wanted to go back to that.

Even so, he wasn’t able to do so, not because all the noise of the lawnmower and the snorniing, but he was instead woken by the sound of something bagning on the door, quite loudly. “Just go away,” he said under the covers, but he ended up hearing it a few more times, so he figured that he should probably see what it was. “Probably Peter having a nightmare about being on top of empire state building in only his underware again.”

Figuring he’d have to deal with this sooner rather than later, he got up out of bed, and walked across the room before opening it, however as he opened it he saw something far more horrifying than anything that he thought it could have been.

Going a few steps back at the sight, he sceamed, waking Lloyd up, along with everyone in a ten mile radiious, although he really couldn’t be blamed, right in front of him was his dad with a sword through his back sticking up, and his blood flowing all along the ground.

“How did this happen?” he asked, bending down, looking for a sign of a pulse, but he really had no idea what to do in a situation like this. His dad had a sword sticking out of him, there was blood, and he was being woken up early on a Saturday morning. None of this made any sense at all. He wasn’t even sure if he should try pulling the sword out or not, obviously it didn’t belong there, but that didn’t mean that just carelessly yanking it out wouldn’t do more damage than good.

“Inform me next time you’re going to scream like that,” Lloyd said, stretching his arms, however he hadn’t moved, so didn’t see what had happened to their dad.

“Just get over here,” he said, “Dad is hurt, he might have been killed.”

“Killed?” Lloyd asked, grogilly getting up out of his bed, pretty sure that his brother had been sleep talking again, and he thought about the last time that had happened, when he got into an argument with Peter about Ferment’s Last Therum, and made Peter start taking notes before he woke up and completely forgot what was going on.

“Look at this!”

Making his way over ther slowly, he really didn’t think it would be anything that bad, anything work waking up on, especially when he was sleeping so well.

Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw.

Opening the door, he saw the sight that had sent his brother into such a frenzy, their dad laying there, a sword in his back, blood everywhere, and Lloyd saw his brother at their dad’s side crying, trying to figure out what to do.

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