Chapter 7

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Blaze’s POV

          I look at the beautiful sight before me as we turn past a cliff. The only way I can describe it is like a puffin flock. There are many caves in the vast mountains and even dens in the ground just filled with dragons. The complete opposite of Drekkana. In Drekkana, us dragon shifters are more in tune with our human side, with our buildings and manmade structures. Even though this thunder has none of that, it’s somehow more beautiful. Colorful dragons fly around of all shapes, sizes, and colors. There are so many scents invading my nose.

          In the sunlight, I look up at Josiah’s crimson form as he flies and I just sigh in a dreamy way. So handsome, and all mine. My scales are black and slightly iridescent, but I’d much prefer to have a bright color light yellow or even blue. My form is also dwarfed compared to Josiah’s, but I love our size difference. I feel so small.

          As we get closer, we gain the attention of the dragons. They seem almost confused. Josiah lets out a proud roar, and they all seem to know what happened. He told them I’m his mate. I then hear a series of other calls of celebration as they flap their wings. It makes my heart so happy to be welcomed like that.

          Josiah guides me higher to the top of the mountain, heading to the highest point.

           “You have to meet my parents,” He chirps in my mind. I grin at that and just come closer, letting out a little puff in response. If they’re anything like the rest of the thunder, I have high hopes they’ll like me… I can feel Josiah’s happiness through our link.

          We get to the highest cave on the mountain, and I start getting more and more nervous. What if they don’t like me? How would Josiah react…? Josiah croons in my mind though, and it helps me to keep calm.

           Once we come upon the landing, Josiah lands first, and then I, our wings folding to our sides as we step into the mouth of the cave. It’s a lot more spacious than I would have imagined. Inside, it has a blood-stained area, most likely to eat, there is a smaller tunnel that leads somewhere else.

          “Mother, Father, I brought my mate,” Josiah says, nudging my side and licking my cheek. I hum in delight and cuddle into his side. I hear a soft rumble through the little tunnel and a lot of shoveling before a big red dragon, that looks a lot like Josiah comes out. He’s bigger than my father, and my father was the biggest dragon I knew. This must be his father, no questions asked. Behind the large dragon, a slightly smaller purple one comes out. His mother. She’s so beautiful. Female dragons typically have smoother scales, less spines down their back, and hardly ever any horns.

          Both of their eyes look at me, and smiles come to their face. His mother comes over happily and brings me into a warm draconic hug, “Oh! My new son! Josiah has been looking for you for a long time!” She chirps. Neither of them seem bothered by the fact that I am a male. In Drekkana, there would have been a lot of backlash. I know where Josiah got his kindness from now. I hug his mother back.

           “I’m Ema, and this is Xumos,” She says, gesturing to Xumos. I don’t expect a hug from him. Even though Xumos is Josiah’s father, our instincts can get in the way of our heart when someone gets near their mate. I can feel his slight jealousy when I’m hugging his mother. Xumos knows this well, and gives me a friendly nod. I smile in response.

          “I’m Blaze,” I say to her.

          “Aww, Blaze, such a sweet name!” She coos, her wings fluttering in joy.

           “Ema, my love,” Xumos chides, gently leaning down to nibble her tail, gaining her attention. She looks up at Xumos and they both share glances to Josiah, who is clearly trying to hold back. Her smile returns before she softly lets go of me and coos to Josiah.

          “You have a lovely mate, my son.”

End of Chapter

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