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The car zooms down the interstate as a moving truck follows. Inside the car, Wirt, now 17, is looking out the window as signs and scenery blur passed him. He didn't want to move. Sure, he was very antisocial, but he still had friends back home. And Sarah, his girlfriend...his ex-girlfriend. He was going to miss Sarah. After word got out that he was going to move, they had to split up. She tried to let him down softly by saying how long distance relationships don't work out but that didn't stop it from hurting.

At least he had one consistent from his old life, Greg. They used to not get along that well before. However, after last Halloween, they became inseparable.

Wirt tries to forget about it, but those events are forever lodged into his brain. Beatrice, Fred the horse, Adelaide, Woodsman . . . the beast. That was the worst part. No matter how hard Wirt tries, he keeps having nightmares about the beast. The sight of his brother, Greg, weak, brittle, and twisted in branches haunts him to this day.

At first, Wirt would talked about what happened in the woods from time to time, but stopped because he didn't like the looks and lectures he would get because of it. Even his therapist didn't believe him. Hell, Wirt wouldn't believe himself either if it wasn't for one thing, both him and Greg had some sort of "souvenir" from it. Greg had the bell that his frog, Jason Funderburker, swallowed. Wirt had something a lot more dark, the lantern of the beast.(a/n: to make my version of beast!wirt run more smoothly, I changed this part) back in the woods, Wirt was blinded by anger at what that thing had done to his brother that, after he had figured out that the beast's soul was in the lantern, he blew it out almost immediately. He heard a bloodcurdling screech and a cold rush had flooded his senses. After that, he helped cut Greg loose and barely escape with their lives.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Wirt looks over to his brother sleeping in the seat next to him. A smile creeps on to his face as he turns back to the window just in time to see a big sign with the words "welcome to GRAVITY FALLS"

(A/N) here it is the new and (hopefully) improved "Stars" fanfic. I actually had a lot more fun writing this than with the last attempt so I can already tell that a somewhat consistent update schedule won't be a problem (I might post a couple chapters these next two weeks bc with the coronavirus, I have school off)

Stars (rewrite in progress )Where stories live. Discover now