-Ch 5: pancakes and promises-

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When he got back to his new house, wirt plopped face down onto his bed and lets out a long sigh. dipper's voice saying 'It's a date' was playing in his head on repeat, filling his chest with a feeling he's never quite felt before. it made his head feel light and fuzzy. he lets out a sigh and turns to look at the box of things he still needs to unpack. He sits up and turns on his desk light as he slides the box onto his bed.

After clearing out most of it onto his shelves, he picks up a heavy object wrapped In packing paper. He carefully unwraps it, revealing the Beast's lantern. He wonders what would happen if he lights it. Would it even light? Maybe lighting it would bring the beast back. Despite this fear, he felt oddly drawn to the idea of relighting it. The strange compulsion scaring him a little. For a few more minutes, he just stares at it, becoming lost in thought and memory until his mom calling "lights out" snapped him back into reality. He sets the lantern on the shelf right above his bed and shuts of his light and tries to sleep.

Meanwhile across town...

Mabel finds it hard to fall asleep as across the room, as Dipper is wearing in his head lamp and writing in his journal with what Mabel could only guess must be the world's loudest pen. Dipper, oblivious to Mabel's discomfort, continues to scribble in the blue book with a gold pine tree on the cover:

The tour went a lot better than I thought it would. I'm really glad Mabel and i have these new kids to hang out with this summer. They seemed pretty cool, but the older one seemed a bit off. I really wanted to show him the woods so we could go on an adventure or something together, but even mentioning it made him extremely nervous. As cool as he seems, he must be hiding something...maybe somethings big! He seems too intelligent to be so irrationally scared of a forest so it must be something else...he knows something...

Dipper closes his journal with a thud, and flicked off his lamp. With this, Mabel lets out a sigh of relief and dipper chuckles to himself and rolls over to sleep.

When Wirt woke up the next day it was to the smell of pancakes and the pain in his gut. Which he just found out was caused by Greg bouncing on it in excitement.
"Time. To .Wake up. Brother. It's. Breakfast time!" Greg said between jumps. With a pained grunt Wirt sat up and let out a big yawn as he got out of the bed.

"Alright I'm up I'm up!" He yawned. Wiping the sleep from his eyes. He heads downstairs for breakfast and sits at the table right as food is being served.

"Greg, sweetie, your dad and I need to go do grown up stuff down town." Wirt's mom says, before turning to him, "will you be ok watching him for a few hours this afternoon?" She asked. Wirt just gave a sleepy nod as he continued to eat his pancakes.

When Wirt finishes his meal, he begins to go upstairs. Before he went in his room, however, his mom calls from the bottom of the stairs, "Stay in the house though! I don't want Greg out and about without an adult!"
"Alright I promise"

{a/n} oh man am I an unreliable writer or what? Sorry guys had to go on a trip then my phone broke ;-; I'm not even gonna try to estimate when the next chapter will come out but I can confirm it will be long. Longer than any other chapter I've written! I just finished reading the fic "blue sky" and got super inspired! See you then


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